For Everyone That's Not A Great Writer.

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

I've got a few words for you: Embrace the bad, awful writer in you. It's how you get to meet the amazing one.

Set Yourself Free And You'll Grow.


Freedom is the most important ingredient for growth. Nothing in this world can grow to its full potential in a confined environment; not plants, not animals, not ideas!

To become the amazing writer you've always wanted to be, you'll have to break out of your shell and allow your roots grow. Both ways require overcoming some form of resistance.

Breaking Out Of Your Shell

As a seed, you've got the potential to grow into a big, strong tree bearing fruits and providing a cool shade from the harshness of the sun. This is an amazing responsibility; an honor to be of service to people.

A seed will however not become a tree if it doesn't get enough air, moisture, and break itself open. These are steps it needs to take and none can be skipped.

To become the awesome writer, you have to expose yourself to enough air, and moisture; enough to make you decay. You can't be scared of putting out a shitty post on your way to perfecting the craft.

Giving yourself all the freedom you need is a surefire way to stretch yourself and begin to break out of your shell. Write and write about any and everything. Keep writing even when your output is below satisfactory.

Allow Your Roots Grow

Go deep, then spread your wings/tentacles/whatever you've got to spread!

That's how roots work!

When you've given yourself the freedom to grow, you have all the space you need and there are no restrictions or limitations. This doesn't mean you won't encounter obstacles like coagulated soil or stones here and there (or even roots of other people telling you what you can or can't do) but it's part of your responsibility to overcome these obstacles.

Life is not a bed of roses, nothing in life is, and even roses have thorns. So instead of expecting a smooth ride, prepare for bumps.

Growing your roots will involve learning more about a certain subject area. When it comes to improving yourself in a certain field, it's always advisable to learn all you can concerning the subject.

As you learn deeper about writing in general, you branch out into learning about comedy or cryptocurrency or sports. It's the combination of all the areas you've got roots in that defines the growth of your tree.

Do you want to be this massive tree everyone runs to for shade? You'd need to have very deep and widespread roots.

One way i'm planning to grow my roots after breaking out of my shell is joining the PALnet

With PALnet I intend to help out as many people as I can, have fun, while creating lovely relationships along the way. I'll be volunteering to become a greeter which will afford me the opportunity to help out everyone interested.

PALnet has launched the Minnow Support Project backed by @aggroed @ausbitbank and @teamsteem. These folks are amazing and I encourage you to support them and vote for their witnesses.

Discord channelYou can learn more on the @minnowsupport account and also by joining the

Once you're in, shoot me your questions and I'll be more than happy to help, along with many others. There are already over 100 folks so it's a growing community. Imagine the relationships you'll get to form...


I'm an advocate for community growth and interaction. My posts are amateur attempts at sounding smart. If you like them, you could upvote, drop a comment, and resteem for your followers. 😉

image source


Nice post, needed this! keep up the good work

Followed / Upvoted =)

I'm glad you found it useful 😊. We all need to put in the work and we'll eventually get the results.

Love the motivational speech. I totally agree with you. I use to be super intimidated to write, but since writing everyday for 4 months straight, I have seen such an improvement in my writing skills. Practice practice practice!

Awesome post there! I like it! I love the badge as well - how did you get that? (was it made by you or for you or can anyone part of @minnowsupport project get it?) Cheers!

This exact one is open to use by anyone part of the minnowsupport project. Check @minnowsupport

But they're made by @elyaque 😊

Great! Btw, do you know how @minnowsupport upvote trail works? I dont think it's working properly for me?

Great advice @fisteganos

By embracing what you consider "bad", you are experimenting with what is quite possibly the most interesting part of your personality: your fears and insecurities.

I always tell people on steemit to not just be unafraid to fail -- be excited to fail! Try to fail. Make posts with the intention of failing.

That sort of mindset is similar to the one you have presented here, and it produces the most fertile soil for creativity to grow.


True words! Thanks so much for this 😊

I really enjoy your posts
Thank you for being an inspiration for me and the steemians community in general @fisteganos

Thank you for being there to read it and for the encouraging words 😊.

good advice sir..i need friends like you..if you don't mind. just joined last month.

Of course! I appreciate your respectful tone :)

Inspiring words!

Nice one @fisteganos. I am not a very good writer myself, your advice will be useful to me. Thanks for sharing..

I'm not a very good writer either! We keep learning every day! I'm glad you found it useful 😊

really encouring. great post

great post indeed...sir,i would like to be followed by you,if you don't mind

Steemit is a great place to gain skills in writing. This isn't a community that judges the quality of writing, but rather how much genuine information and heart and soul is put into the piece.

This is so true! There's the freedom to tell your stories the way you want and the more you're allowed to do that, the better you get at crafting these stories.

love your comment dear...following and upvoted...nice

Thank you! I'll follow back;)

Great post,

Thank you 😊

I have read your post from the beginning until the end. All I can say is you're a good writer. Looking forward for another piece. 😀

Haha! You think so? I think you did an awesome job going through all those words mumbled up. I like to try to sound smart and i'm a big amateur at it.

I'm hoping you'll continue to find value in my posts. 😀

Nice article. Enjoy the resteem!

😊 i'm always happy to help. Thanks for helping too!

I try to embrace him, but he pukes on my shirt... :)
In addition, English is not my first language. So, I'm kind of handicapped. But I'll keep practicing.

I know how it feels picking up a new language. I've tried Spanish in the past and Russian more recently and I can confidently say that practice is the only way to master new things (languages or whatever).

Keep at it and you'll be great in no time!

Well, I'm not exactly new in English, but a casual talk and story writing are two different things. But however, being ignorant, I ignore my ignorance... :) Thanks for your support, my friend!

Voted, resteemed and following.Very good post @fisteganos, I'm rubbish at writing that's why I take photos instead :p but this is a good guide.

I'm very bad at singing but I sing anyway 😀 Hoping to eventually get better someday.

Lol. Please don't stop trying! Thanks for the follow, resteem and upvote 😉

following =)

Excellent post, I've been here on Steemit for just over three weeks and I think that I can honestly say that I am embracing my inner bad writer ;-)

Way to go! 😂

I ran away from mine for quite a while. I should have been more badass by now 😎. Good to know you're embracing yours. You'll only get better!

Awesome post bro ! Really inspiring and very good advice .

You Sir, are a writer and I applaud you.

Oh wow 😊

Thanks for the compliment 😉

Some good words of writing advice I heard a while back - "Just write two bad pages a day." It's pretty genius as it takes the pressure off and there always turns out to be one of two good ideas within those pages

Yup! The hardest part is starting. Giving yourself that freedom to put down anything. It's called "letting your creative juice flow". Sometimes it's full time shit but we let it flow still. Lol

Awesome post, great wisdom. Happy to be a part of the project with you and other fellow minnows (I always feel like typing minions instead haha)

One day we'll all be as happy as the minions lol.

Glad you enjoyed the post and it's great to be part of the same project 😊

It takes years of rubbish littering the lawn before the soils rich enough for the tree to produce sweet apples. Great analogy.

True words 😊

Not bad, you speak truth. I started playing shows when I was awful at guitar, but if I hadn't I wouldn't have gotten better. Now I do pretty well for myself. The first few shows were awkward as hell but after that I knew how to pretend to be ok. After about a year I started to feel comfortable and free. I imagine writing will be quicker since you aren't being stared at, which can be pretty nerve racking .

Haha! It's great to be able to apply the principles to other parts of life as well. Stage fright and live performances are the worst for me so if you can overcome that, I see you getting better at writing in no time!

I never said I need help writing ;-) that's always come a bit easier to me although I did come into steemit a bit rusty

Good point. You have to start somewhere and by practicing the art/skill of writing improvement will come. Just be yourself or 'find your voice', as they say. Be authentic and people will appreciate that, no matter what your level of eloquence or grasp of language is.


You're absolutely right!

Great post man! It's easy to get trapped in this kind of mindset that makes you feel like your posts aren't worth posting or that they're in some way bad. As you said, to become a great writer we must open ourselves and have complete creative freedom. Steem on!

Glad you found it useful 😊

Great topic. I sometimes get in ruts where I feel like I can't create content, but when I let go of that, I create lots of content that provides great results.

"Set Yourself Free And You'll Grow." This is an amazing sentence that deserves to be read everyday.

Sometimes, a change of environment is all we need. I was feeling burnt out a couple of days back and a change of environment got me refreshed because I freed myself from the confinement of the current environment 😊

Glad you enjoyed it.

Awesome post @fisteganos Thank you! RESTEEMED :)

Great post! I'm not a good writer - i needed something like that :)

We keep learning everyday. Don't give up!

Yup .. Very good article.. Resteemed

That's so nice of you. I'm also glad you found it useful 😊

I agree with you that you need to write to become a better writer. Through a complicated set of circumstances I got invited to write computer books by one of the big publishers. This was BEFORE I had published any magazine articles or anything like that.

It was exciting, but man was it painful!

When each chapter came back from the editors, it seemed like every page was covered with red markups. I quickly learned that while I knew the subject matter, I did not know how to write well.

By sticking with it (and correcting all those ugly mistakes) I got better and better at the craft of writing. Another thing I did was search out old books on writing (Zinsser's, On Writing Well, for example) and studied those in between each project.

STEEMIT is a great place for people to improve their writing. Keep the posts coming!

I totally understand! It's the reason I say you go deep by learning the craft of writing and spread your tentacles to touch various subject matters. It's the combination of these two that makes us amazing.

Well done!

I agree. Plus, learning various subject matters is one of the best things about being a freelance writer!

Keep the posts coming.

I very much enjoyed your post. So inspiring. I was and still are a little bit scared of writing but I experience that the writer inside me is busy coming out. I'm not a writer by nature

I'm not a writer by nature

Many people aren't but through constant practice, we can all get there.

Like the saying goes, "practice makes perfect

Great encouragement, @fisteganos, and great advice, thanks for sharing.

good stuff

I'm going to show this to my son (18 yrs old), who wants to be a writer, and is pretty good; however, he's his own worst enemy for confidence. Maybe your words will help.

Great advice. Not everyone can be Shakespeare.

Great line -" My posts are amateur attempts at sounding smart." That's exactly how I've felt about (almost) everything I've written.

Thanks, I needed this.

Thanks for this encouraging post for steemians like me. It was inspiring

I'm glad you enjoyed reading it 😊

nice post..

good post :)




do itashimashite!

bro,it couldn't have been said better. nice post...will be glad to be followed by you.

I think this applies to any content creators, everybody gets writers block and all the other bugs that come with the creative genre. This was really inspiring to read, really appreciate the post :)

Fantastic post dude!

Thanks bro! 😀

I think we are all our own worst critic and that as long as what we write makes us happy that's all that should really matter in the end⭐️

A really nice and motivating article @fisteganos! :) Thank you!

I recently came across your account and this is the first thing I read! I wrote something similar recently, and I've included the fact that one doesn't have to be a good writer to share t their creative side, their talents such as photography, art, culinary expertise, etc. Sometimes photos and videos tell a better story! :D

Followed you without question! :)