
It helped a lot. :) I don't know if it's all true cause I don't know much about what's really going on in regard to all this stuff.. But, if it is true it definitely puts me at more ease and makes me more open and comfortable and I hope you are right!

On some level it kinda makes sense that people who are very afraid would be quicker or easier targets for predators. And, those on higher vibes would attract higher vibes. I dunno if that's always the case, but it is reassuring to think about!

I'm planning on going for a hike and will likely not be back till a bit after dark so I'll keep an eye out for them again this evening and try to keep in mind what you've said!

Thank you so much for typing all that up. <3 I took it to heart and I will be even braver this time! Tons of love my friend. :)