"The night is not so black as a man" - that's what the saying of the French writer Victor Hugo sounds like, and here it comes in handy.
Indeed, why do people think about correctness only thinking about actions? Why so little think about what they say and do?
Know who to talk to, when to talk, and most importantly. Is it really that hard? After all, to think that a word can injure a person is too difficult for us. We bring people to tears, accuse, often sincerely not understanding why they are offended.
And sometimes he just breaks through, there is nothing more to say in his defense, and only murderous detectors remain, which are used in the heat. So some of this is not enough, they will walk all day and finish you off. And like you understand who is truly in this situation in the loser, but why is it so painful? Why do stupid words become boring and do not give rest?
Does this person mean anything to you anyway, you just can not find a decent answer immediately, and then it's too late. It becomes offensive, and even unexpected praises and support do not help. You are focused only on a hard mockery, deep in the soul. "Touched for the living" - that's it. I'm sorry, it's just boiling :D
I am so happy to see that this story has brought your emotions to burst! Thank you @floxxy! :)
I know, pain is not only in the actions, it's in the words and behavior, pain can be that of the soul as well. We have a saying in Greek: η γλώσσα κόκαλα δεν έχει, μα κόκαλα τσακίζει, which means the tongue has no bones but it can break bones.
Sometimes we don't understand how much we hurt people with what we say, until they finally explode and we could not see that coming.
No wonder they say: my tongue is my enemy. All people can not be changed, nothing can be done about it.