My friend stepped out to go and retrieve the items when I saw Freddie receiving numerous slaps and punches from what looked like a two on one handicap match between my roommate and his brother, and Freddie. I think the people around the area where a little too stunned to do anything at first. They had to wonder what Freddie had done to deserve such a harsh beat down. Eventually some people stepped in to stop the fight, by then Freddie was already bleeding and within a couple inches of his life.
They proceeded to interrogate my roommate and his brother on why they were beating Freddie up, they told them the story and upon hearing it, one by one the crowd began to disperse. Nobody wanted to be the ones defending a thief. My roommate calmed down a bit and collected the items from Freddie's bag, then turned away and started leaving, but not before delivering another sounding slap to Freddie's face again. The poor lad must have regretted ever being born in the first place.
I thought everything was over, but it seems my roommates elder brother had other ideas. Shortly after my roommate left, a police van pulled up to the site of the beat down, in my mind I felt that my roommates elder brother was about to be arrested, but I was so wrong. The policemen jumped down and greeted him like they were all drinking buddies, then pointed to Freddie and asked if he was the thief. After confirming that he was in fact the thief, they bundled him up and tossed him into the back of their van and drove off. Who knew what would befall Freddie while he's in Police custody.
I sat back and thought to myself, all this could have been avoided if Freddie had just been a little more sensible, but no, he decided to tow the line of a criminal because that seemed like the easy way out. He was publicly humiliated and disgraced in front of hundreds of people, all because he couldn't sit down and think of a legitimate way to make money.
He was let out a couple of days later, some friends of his heard about his predicament and came to his aide. I had hoped that his stint in jail would have set him straight but it turns out that he didn't learn his lesson at all. I heard that he stole money from one of the people that bailed him out, then nicked a girls phone in the same compound where he relocated to. He got chased out of the place and is currently on the run from the police. Rumor has it that he's hiding out somewhere in my lodge. Well, at the end of the day I got my tab back so I could care less as to where Freddie was, but I learned one thing from this encounter, NEVER EVER EVER STEAL FROM YOUR FRIENDS. The wrath that will fall upon you will be greater than that of your enemies!
So that's it for today guys, hope you enjoyed the article. If you did, then -
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This is coming to you from @stach's very own @francistagbo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Freddie can't seat down and think of steem to get money not the thief again,disgrace is the bast thing that suit those people that i can't think on there own and not satisfy with what they have
Some people just cant deal with honest work. If it isnt by dubious means then it isnt appealing to them