Hey Rich! Bizarro - alter personality - pain/lack of sleep will do this to us.
I know...
Now, I am not a new ager, just not. I am a Christian.
In my line up is a post on frequencies - and their incredible power on mind, soul and body. Essentially everything is frequency/energy/matter/life. I hinted in a couple of posts on it (Music 432Hz) and TV frequencies.
That said, I just ordered a frequency generator, known to cure pretty much everything - from cancer to cold, from pain to bizarites. Months of research on this thing and based on my findings - I am convinced this technology works. No hocus-pokus... If you want to know more, let me know and I get info to you.
Other than that, you are in my prayers brother.
Thanks Brother! I'm taking the dat to watch movies and work on the next Night Gods.