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RE: [Authorship] Your Bias Is Showing: Sources, Evidence and Real News

in #writing7 years ago

I used to be a newspaper reporter and staff writer years ago.
I was NEVER allowed to have an article go to press without both sides of the story or a clause stating the other person had been contacted but had not replied or commented at press time. Guaranteed when the article came out the other person was on the phone returning my messages for quotes.

The stigma of getting all sides of the story has stuck with me for decades.

I may not agree with someone's viewpoints or opinions but they still have the right to speak their mind.

Facts are facts... pundits are propaganda usually.


I think what's been lost in much of our current dialogue is that even if you disagree, you have to acknowledge the disagreement for what it is rather than acting as if your side is the only side there is and anyone who thinks differently is an idiot to be turned into a strawman and blown to bits. Forget knocking it down, we obliterate our strawmen these days.

There is such an urge to just reinvent a person who disagrees with us on some point into a complete monster embodying everything we hate...