I've found that I can't force my way through it. It's like making music. Sure, hammering your way through it will force you to get better at the mechanics, but it will be clunky and painful to read.
Have you ever played racquetball? One thing I learned from racquetball is that you hit the ball when it is near you. If you let it pass you because you think it is going to bounce a certain way and come back from a better angle and you can hit it better then, you will usually be mistaken, and will find yourself madly sprinting after a ball that is bouncing away from you.
Similarly, ideas are like a racquetball. They flit into your head, then are gone. I've found that I can't remember later the great idea, the fun concept I had while I was taking out the trash or making breakfast. Stop right then and write down the idea. Then later, look through your list of ideas. All will appeal to you, and for me, the inspiration is what makes the writing. If I'm inspired, all I have to do is start typing and it pours out.