Write your title here - or how to start writing.

in #writing7 years ago

Just do it. So simple - right. Many of us here don't really know how to start. Well I think that try everything. Like I'm doing it right now. Just write down all your thoughts and sail that boat to the new lands already.

First of all - don't try to copy someone, take ideas from others but don't copy whole thing. You're unique and that will help you more than plagiarism. Maybe I won't be the next Edgar Alan Po, maybe I will be the next Dan Brown - it all depends on my will and my work.

I want to make an art so millions of people would read my works. And I think I got the way to do that. We'll see - I'm just starting.

Because.... Really? What else we all got than chasing our dreams and making ourselves what we want to be.

What do I like? Or should I write about what people like? I think that the best would be if I could handle both.

If we're talking about masses - sex, nudity, drugs and of course MONEY would be the most interesting thing for all of you to read. But I'm tending to seek bit deeper than that.

Synchronicity, Sex, Drugs and Money - deep enough? Or should I wrote a drama, maybe a detective with twisted plot and unexplained ending. Fantasy world with elfs and dwarfs fighting against humans and orcs. Interstellar journey with futuristic world and unachieved, jet, technologies - would I be the next Johnathan Swift?

But who will read me? Who reads you? How to gain that precious magic of having people to spend their time for your work. Because TIME, is most precious thing. Often placed second or even third, making sex and money fight for the first.

All I know right now, being at the beginning of chasing my childhood dream - you must work hard, learn and adapt. Be ready to change everything you know!

Fellow STEEMIANS - make me rich! Make me have so many up votes I could never dream. Make me stop counting when I buy bread or milk.... I know we can do that!

And I hope that together we write incredible things, we find a new world, we find a light where it always been dark. We change the world, but first of all we need to start change ourselves.

I'm going to learn how to use steemit, how to write high quality posts, how organise my work - see ya around!
Wish you all strength, patience, balance, love and enthusiasm! Wish you all to bring back the curious and unstoppable child you all have been!!!!
