in #writing8 years ago

NEED FOR THE PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT:The protection of environment is a global issue and it is not an isolated problem of any area or nation . the problem of environmental pollution in an increasingly small world concerns all countries irrespective of their size , level of development or ideology.notwithstanding political division of the world into national units.the problem of environment is not new in its origin ,it is as old as the emergrnce of homosapiens on the planet and it was realized in the times of plato2500years ago . however different dimensions of the problem of environment protection and its management have taken a serious turn in the present era . today society’s interaction with nature is so extensive that environment question has assumed proportions affecting all humanity. Industrialization ,urbanization,population explosion ,poverty, over exploitation of resources ,depletion of traditional resources of energy and raw materials etc are some of the factors which have contributed to environmental deterioration . thus there is a great need for the environmental protection . It is important to protect the environment because man-made disruptions to ecosystems can cause extinction, because pollution creates dangers for both animals and people, and because mankind owes the natural world a moral obligation. Many of the dangers to the environment come from practices designed to make human life easier but actually threaten the long-term health and prosperity of humans .One of the most important reasons to protect the environment is because it helps protect different ecosystems. Over the years, humans have discovered that many ecosystems are more complex than was originally thought and are deeply connected to other ecosystems. Human changes to one ecosystem, whether through environmental pollution or deliberate manipulation, can actually put multiple species in danger of extinction, necessitating the need to protect the environment.
Protecting the environment also protects humanity. A great deal of pollution, especially ocean pollution, ends up affecting creatures that humans later consume, meaning that humans are ingesting toxins.
The final reason to protect the environment is that humanity has a moral obligation to the world and its creatures. Humans are responsible for taking care of the world, and protecting the environment is one way to be responsible stewards of the world entrusted to their care. We only have one planet and we should all do our part to ensure that it’s protected by combining our modern ways of living with a deeper respect and understanding of what nature provides. Environmental conservationists understand that the way we live is a reflection of how we feel about the natural world, and our everyday habits show how much we truly value all the things that the Earth gives us. There is much to do when it comes to rebuilding and protecting what’s left of natural resources and the biodiversity within our ecosystems. Environmental conservation is an umbrella term that defines anything we do to protect our planet and conserve its natural resources so that every living thing can have an improved quality of life.therefore environmental protection is the need of hour and for the same there should be implementation of environmental laws also as because without environmental protection and regulation the following consequences may arise:

• Industry would have unlimited ability to produce chemicals for use as pesticides, additives, etc without being required to measure their effects on people or their accumulation in water or soils and their impact on the ecosystem
• Pharmaceutical companies would not be required to study the accumulation of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the environment and their impact on the ecosystem
• Waste water would be monitored, but there would be no limits or benchmarks for the levels of contaminants in the water
• Automobile manufacturers would not be required to adhere to achieve a specific benchmark for noxious gas output, and cars would not be monitored for their output over time. It is debatable ff gas mileage would be a consideration, as the only motivator for manufacturers to increase fuel economy would be the price of fuel and consumer willingness to bear the burden of fuel costs
• Industry would not be limited in the amount of noxious gases it produces through combustion. Smog would not be monitored and there would be no limits on emissions, leaving people and the environment at risk.
With environmental protection and regulation, we can know and limit what goes into our atmosphere, groundwater, and soils. We can ensure that consumers are provided clean water with limited contamination. We can ensure that the air we breathe is free of contaminants, and when the level of contaminants increases beyond a reasonable level, we can inform people to stay indoors and protect themselves. Regulation does not mean restricted capitalism - it means capitalism with the health and safety of its consumers in mind. Environmental protection provided a framework for consumers and industry to reduce waste, optimize energy consumption, and leave the smallest footprint possible in terms of resources consumed and products produced. It means measuring water, soil, and air for potential red flags and ensuring we leave a healthy planet for the next generation.
Many people in the world like to blame industrialized nations, especially the United States, for destroying world ecosystems. It is true that industrialized countries create much of the air pollution. But the problem will not be cured by treaties that punish American companies for air pollution when competing companies in other countries are exempt from regulation.
World population is now at 6 billion. Over a 100-years, the world population has tripled and the growth seems to be continuing at the same rate. How long can the human species sustain such growth?
The really frightening prospect is the rapid pace of industrialization in many Third World countries where unregulated industries expand to serve the growth of the already huge populations. China has 1.2 billion people. India has about 1 billion people. What will world pollution be like when countries like these become fully industrialized and modernized?
People who wish to protect the environment often become politically active. They may come to believe that animals, and even plants, have "rights." What do you think?
The idea of "rights" originally came from perceived inequalities in power and privilege among humans. "Rights" are something we United States citizens have to pursue "life, liberty, and happiness."
To extend the idea of rights across species quickly creates problems for ecosystems. Does the wolf have a right to kill sheep? Or do sheep have a right to be protected from predators? Does any species have a right to use Nature's resources to perpetuate itself as a species? Does a species have a right to destroy niches of other species in the process of exploiting nature for survival of the species? And if we could agree on any of these rights, we must answer the question, "Who issued these rights?"
To argue in the political terms of "rights" misses the point about how Nature's ecosystems work. Competition between and within species is not only natural but necessary for ecosystems to function well. Competition and exercise of power becomes a problem only when it is so destructive that an ecosystem itself becomes threatened. Because humans have the greatest power to damage ecosystems, humans also have the greatest duty to protect ecosystems.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN INDIA: Earth houses a diverse range of flora and fauna. The existence of various species of animals, mammals, insects, reptiles and birds make Earth an extremely beautiful planet. It is unfortunate that the reckless behavior of mankind has led to various problems in the effective working of the eco-system.
The planet Earth is bestowed with an amazing range of plant and animal life resulting into an incredible biodiversity on the planet. However the fast growth, increasing urbanization, industrialization and modernization has affected the natural cycle. The selfish attitude of mankind with irresponsible activities and human recklessness has disturbed the habitats and territories of various creatures. There are various species today that are on the verge of extinction. In order to keep the eco system going in the positive direction and in a harmonious way, environmental protection has become a matter of extreme significance. Environmental Protection in India has gained momentum in the recent times.
The government and various other government authorities have started working in the direction of Environmental Protection In India. They strive to conserve the wildlife species and preserve the natural world by ways of various laws, acts and campaigns. The natural surroundings are protected and preserved by various means and numerous groups across the various parts of globe have joined hands to accomplish this objective. There are various programs targeted towards the environmental protection in India. One of the important initiatives is regulated trade in wildlife. The Government bodies have set up numerous National Parks and Sanctuaries to protect the endangered species. Some of these include Kanha National Park, Tiger Reserves of India, Kaziranga National Park, Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, Sariska Tiger Reserve, Ranthambore National Park and Jim Corbett National Park. These form the tiger reserves in the country.
The government along with various NGO’s has initiated many projects with the aim to protect the wildlife and the environment. Some of these are Project Tiger, Project Elephant etc. The projects strive towards lion protection in India and Elephant Conservation in India. Besides, there are Dolphin Conservation Projects too. Through such measures, Environmental Protection in India can take place in an effective and efficient manner.
Another way to protect the environment is through promoting Eco-Tourism.
It is very important to understand that the habitat, wildlife and environment also affect the climate, climatic change and environment in various ways. Through these environmental conservation ways, environment can be preserved and protected leading to a balanced ecosystem and harmonious living.