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RE: What is it About Birds?

in #writing7 years ago

I've seen all of the local canines, wolf, coyote, fox. And bears. Never any of the cats, they're so elusive! We have cougars, bobcats, lynx etc.

We have a ton of huge raptors here, too! So many bald eagles and golden eaglea and hawks and osprey and such, so cool!

What kind of bear did you see?!


And on the 45 years. Not a single Mtn lion and someone down in Denver.......IN on video 4 mtn lions in their back yard. It is just not FAIR! Hrrrmph!!


For us, here, the DNR is still in denial that mountain lions are here, but people catch them on trail cameras.

Interesting!! Kinda like Lochness or big foot, but not.

Lanky black bear. Solid but not super heavy. We looked at him, he looked at us and booked! Lol

I think it's all luck. In my youth I saw a baby bear while coming back from a canoe trip, playing in the middle of the road with a paper bag, not a care in the world.

People get lots of pictures of them in town, and my kids saw one on the bus to school last week!

Yeah luck is generally not something I'm blessed with. Well..not good luck