There have been too many issues in our lives to continue them. Inari became very, very ill after a Pertussis vaxx, even though I was a stay at home mom at the time and he had no outside contact.
Then Little Willow had a very large and painful Hematoma develop at a DT sight, quickly followed by a horrific fever and seizures. At only 18 months old. That hemotoma lasted over a month. DT was not, apparently, "proven safe" for little girls.
And my sister in law had her whole face paralyzed by guillian barr disease, caused by another vaccine.
So, yeah, we are a non-vaxx family now. But that wasn't the point of the post.😉
Oh yeah, totally. There are known contraindications and allergies and the like, and you should totally be able to do that when you know it's a thing in your family! That's kinda the point of the "herd immunity" - so when people really can't because they've had bad reactions, like your kids, they are still somewhat protected by herd immunity.