I Told You That I Would Reach 2000 Followers! + A Short Story Of WHY I Continue To Push Myself Forward.

in #writing7 years ago

I Told You That I Would Reach 2000 Followers!


Thank You For All Your Support!

This is an insane achievement, and this shows that anyone from anywhere can achieve their dreams on Steemit with hard work and effort. - I'm just a random guy from Sweden!

It took me 20 months in total.

And I reached a Reputation Score of 66.7 before it happened, but I made it.

It also took a lot of trial and errors. One can easily state that I've been having my ups and downs on Steemit. Most people I know would have thrown in their towels months ago.

  • But I never gave up.

I worked so hard and did so many different things, so I actually got confused for a while... I continued to work hard but I didn't have a real goal. I wasn't aiming for something specific more than a loose dream of a better life. And to tell you the truth, as a freelancer, I've never been good at doing anything without a real goal. Without a destination to reach.

  • Nowadays, I have real goals.

I know why I'm working this hard and I know the reason for all the hours I put in. The "why" has become clear as crystal these last couple of months. More and more clear these last few weeks. - I still dream of a better life. I still dream and hope I will have a huge impact and I want to be part of something that can and will affect other people's lives for the better.

  • Steemit is the answer for all of that. And I truly believe in that.

Some of my goals are to grow my account, have more of an impact and to become a dolphin on Steemit. And I have those goals because I want to do more than I have been doing in the past. I always want to become better and perform more. I always work hard to improve and produce better results.

  • I compete against none other than myself.

However, that is not the only goal I have. I work hard to pay back a previous Student loan too. And that is something I work hard to achieve before March this year, as I have every intention to go back to School and study again.

  • I want to heal the world, even for just a little bit.

And that is why I want to study. I want to get myself an education and become a treatment assistant and focus on teenagers who suffers from mental illness.

  • The debt I owe is approximately $3000 USD.

$3000 is a buttload of money... And I truly want to accomplish this, as it would not only open the doors and pave the way for this education... But it would also mean that Steemit, in some sense, paid for my education and that would be amazing!

The best part of everything.

SBD and Steem are on the rise again so in all honesty, $3000 USD is what many authors earns on a daily basis on Steemit right now, and $3000 would literally change my entire life.

  • And it would also allow me to help other people to change theirs.

$3000 USD is all I need to accomplish this.. And I am eager to take advantage of our highly valued currencies to make this happen. It couldn't have come in a better time than this!

That's my goals.

Two goals. Two real goals and two very achievable ones too. I want to pay back what I owe so I become eligible new student loans for this upcoming education and I want to grow my Steemit account, so I can have more of an impact and do more for others. - That's what I believe Steemit is all about. At least to some extent. To do something for others. To not be selfish.

  • That's how you will ultimately get great results too.




Thanks! :)

You are now $0.03 cents closer to your goal.

Keep up the hard work. Your positivity is what I needed this morning!

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! :)

Grattis! Jag vet hur det känns att försöka kämpa vidare när det är tufft. Jag startade ett företag här nere i Colombia för typ ett år sen. Har haft det väldigt svårt att få igång allt, men nu känns det som att det börjar gå uppåt. Tack för att du delar med dej av dina tankar och framgång. Det är motiverande =D

(Congratulations! I know how it feels to try to fight on when it's tough. I started a company down here in Colombia about a year ago. I've had a lot of trouble getting everything going, but now I'm also starting to see the fruit of hard work. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and success. It is motivational =D)

Thank you! What type of company do you have? - Like with all projects, you'll have to continue to push yourself forward, no matter how hard it is. That's the only way you'll ever come out on top. I wish you the best of luck and much success! :)

Persisting and continuing to slowly see the results of account growth, plus people enjoying your content, that is the biggest way to see people stay. But not putting in the effort won't provide results. Congrats on 2000 followers mate, I hope you can easily reach your $3000 goal soon! :)

Thank you very much, I hope so too! :)

Congratulations on achieving that huge milestone! I hope one day I can reach numbers as high as that!

Keep up the good work and best of luck towards your new education!

Thank you very much! - You will reach them too. Hard work and effort. That's all it takes! :)

Congratulation! Your effort and hard work finally pays off. Now, that $3000 is only a matter of time. Your story of success is very inspirational, and motivate me not to give up. More success to you!

Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. :)

Never say never! Look at what you have achieved! This is awesome. Congratulations.

Thank you! :)

Having a dream and setting actionable goals. YOU GOT THIS!.

Really man, keep kicking ass and taking name. You'll soon look back and go "Alright, that's done. What's next?". Keep going man, never stop reaching for those dreams.

Thank you for the encouragement. I appreciate it! :)

Gool luck with everything!Congrats @hitmeasap on your achievements. When are you a Dolphin?

Thank you! - When? ... Well, I guess that'll take a long time, but I won't give up! :)

What I meant is what is the criteria to reach Dolphin status? ;-)

Oh, I see! Sorry about that. They say you need anything between 5000 and 50,000 SP to be a dolphin, so I guess I need about 4200 SP, until I reach that level.

Still a very long way to go, but I will reach it! :)

Congratulations! have Celebrations!

Thank you!