Eye emm...

in #writing7 years ago


Hello world.   I am going to begin by capturing your
attention. I am humanoid. It is like a monkey but
very good looking monkey. You are probably same.
In some cases. I mean, that you probably have to eat
as well. But there is one more thing that makes us
different. Not only do we appear differently outside
as a result of mutations in our genocode. We do
differ inside as well. For example I can write into
this post and you can not. This is not material differ-
ation. This means that we are all driven by our indi-
vidual force. Or at least we do have some personal
freedom although the question of collective mind re-
mains open, because in case of evolution is appears
that we are all driven by one mind. This can be ex-
plained. Maybe when human body was developed
We were all programmed to behave evolutionary,
but this would require to predict all situations that
will happen to the Life form on earth. More intere-
sting sounds another possibility. We are not only
individualistic but collective as well. Anyway, this
topic is slowly reaching the fatal level of abstractness 
so I am going to slow down a little bit. Let me ana-
lyze what I am talking about. I said I am human, this
appears wrong to me now. I am more of a something.

So for me, I myself am You, because I see myself with
my I. If even I am you, than who is I? I am not sure if
you see it so intuitive as myself does, therefore I will
try to explain. I am this text. I am this imagination of.
Myself is me after this text is written, myself is the
way myself exist forever. And I do accompany myself
by taking a form of what myself desire. It would be all
very simple if not the fact that there is actual You.
If not You, I and myself would not exist. Because for
example there would be no one to see Me. Me is when
I am gone but it was me. Now back to You. You appear
to be same as Myself and I. But intuitively I feel that
somehow You are the part of Me. Because before
Myself there was only one I, and as I begin to create
We appeared. But I remained in all of you, therefore
it is Us. This intuitive analyze does very clearly show
of Who am I, but does not show who are We. How do
we connect back? You can write in the commentary
section or you can do something else very cool.