It was quite simple. The die continued to roll, indefatigable. Shaking off all lost variables, scaling through cracks and slipping past widened city legs. There were endless permutations, variegated colors much like the surface of a rubik's. It wasn't ever going to be just a "0 or 1", clean lines of code without the archetypal nonsensical debuggeries.
First was the entropy of the cosmic table, with unknowing gamepieces falling from the farthest heights of nirvana and grace, till reality becomes you. Each is thrust in limbo and then embedded in a matrix-esque amniotic sac.
Reality you say? Not quite.
Your version of reality defines your reality. Its the forced focus, the enabling lightening, your selective cherrypicking of fairytale lies over hard truths.
Second phase is when you are deployed into the System itself. You get to keep your umbilical cord though. Its what ensures your brain stays in the Vat. It is the bilateral multilinking leech that feeds your ignorance and blesses the system.
Forget the Conspiracy theories. You are a conspiracy theory.
Already entrenched in the simulated reality of your simulated universe, you hope to get some.(Thankful you are not the least bit Zigerion). I mean, find someone to share your nudist form with. Bare open your heart, simulated mind, thoughts, beliefs, principles and values.
Still think you are one of a kind?
It was quite simple. The die continued to roll, indefatigable. Shaking off all lost variables, scaling through cracks and slipping past widened city legs. There were endless permutations, variegated colors much like the surface of a rubik's.
It wasn't ever going to be just a "0 or 1", clean lines of code without the archetypal nonsensical debuggery, just gods with universes as muse.
Wow! Awesome. Some fate. We're all stuck in a reality simulator... Loved the story!
Thank you :)
Bad Steemian! Bad!@biblegateway you're on the @abusereports naughty list!