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RE: Stop Being Offended by EVERYTHING!

in #writing7 years ago

If someone had tattooed a swastika on their forehead, but treated everyone as equals

Are we supposed to ignore the glaring social signal ? not many things in life are black or white and as much as we like to say " I don't judge" we are constantly scanning for signals to understand the world around us.

Emblems/Icons are signals used by people to beam their world view without actually saying anything , that exists , humans understand that.

For positive association :
Like many things in life , it is about applying context to information at hand. If you are wearing a rainbow anything , I am going to think you support LGBT , unless new information is provided to contrary.

For negative association:
For an eagle on shirt which somewhat "closely resembles the Third Reich eagle" I am going to NOT assume the worst outcome that someone is a Nazi unless new information is provided. But if they have a swastika on forehead , I am going to assume that they have strong Nazi convictions to the extent that they had a permanent tattoo done.

That's just me though


Of course we judge the world around us, as we should, but getting offended and having your feelings hurt over nothing is just stupid and a waste of everyones time, and often money too. Companies have to pull products and change letterings because someone somewhere got a little hurt by a simple logo or a joke.

Like I said myself, the swastika was an extreme example.

Companies have to pull products and change letterings because someone somewhere got a little hurt by a simple logo or a joke.

A lot of time it helps to estalish a baseline of what you consider SJW outrage and I may see you mind sharing such example from real life where companies had to adjust their branding due to fake outrage ?

For example the Boy London shirts I was talking about, many big retailers stopped selling their products after customers complained, or just moved the products to the back of the store. And not too long ago, H&M got huge backlash for selling a childrens shirt that said "coolest monkey in the jungle", and the boy who modelled it was black.

Re: the H&M episode

As evolution theory will tell us , humans evolved from simpler life form, ape being the closest ( I think) or monkeys in general. Juxtaposing a human to a monkey is not the objectionable part of the clothing , I call my son cutie monkey all the times.

When you put that information in context of the fact that black people were abused and regarding sub human with comparisons to monkey/apes for centuries , it take a different form. Why is comparing a female to a bitch offensive ? female dog is a life form , not any less or more than a dog/cat .It is the context in which it has been used to degrade females is the objectionable part .

I do not consider pulling off of such clothing as fake outrage.

I will stop my rant here as I am clearly a SJW ..