I remember I brought this subject up once before and we agreed much along the same lines, I'm still skeptical and this is a good example, I suppose I like arguments
another point on this topic comes from yet another movie, The Fountain
trailers are so "dramatic" anyways it's a decent movie, some weird questions are raised there, the music is awesome thanks to the compositor, pretty much it's a long and strange movie, the only one close to it that beats it in strangeness is Melancholia, great visuals, but I couldn't sit through it :D I might have to rewatch it now that I realise time has passed.
And to finish up with some Alan Wats that came up while I was searching for the first snippet.
well I might have went a bit overboard with this comment :D
hope you find something interesting.
I do like your scientific documentaries since I rarely watch, well I am watching more and more as it stands.