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Mega Drive
Master System II
My favorite games were Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog. Goodness, those were the classics!
However outside of their use for being entertaining, I learnt something from them that could be applied to life. In the games, Mario for instance, the player has the ability to gain extra lives, to pause and come back to life and continue from where you left off (that’s until the games over, and even with that you can start again).
This is what I learnt from it.
Gain Extra Lives
The life you live is yours and nobody else’s, live it and love it, make the most out of it because unlike the games, you DO NOT have the ability to live more lives, you can’t live someone else’s life for a lifetime and live yours in another. Do what you love and love what you do. Travel, acquire a pet, pig out and eat junk food once in a while, learn a new skill as a hobby, but in everything you do, be careful and responsible. Don’t be reckless, don’t be stupid, no tidepod challenges. If you’re an adrenaline junky, do your art in a safe way. Remember if you climb tall buildings for the sake of fun be careful, one wrong step and its game over!
Just think how sweet this could be, to pause and just sit back and rethink crucial decisions. Life has no pauses, every decision you take, every move you make should be though through thoroughly and minimizing its risks to the barest minimum. No time to pause life, life keeps on moving, the days go by we grow older and life continues to move, in a game, you meet the level boss you find out his strategy you pause the game and think. Only if this were real. No time to pause, keep moving keep sailing. You’ll get there!
Back to life
Now this might be up for debate according to some religious groups that believe in reincarnation, but as a Christian, it is appointed on to man to die once and after that judgement, and this is the angle to which I want to make my point. The life you live is once and it’s over. You only got once shot to live it. Some people mess up in their teens and get a life sentence. Some get hooked on meth and crack and struggle to get their life back in order. Teens get shot all the time by rival gangs and that’s it. Its once and its over. No back to life mushrooms to eat here.
To conclude, live your life like it’s an egg, hold it too hard, you crush it, hold it too lightly, it falls and breaks.
Safe life!, safe living!!
oo wow impressive jason
Thanks for the encouragement, with your assistance we will get there!