I was 9 years old when I met him, he immediately caught me. At that age the children does not pay much attention to the depth of things, but that was just what made me love her until I was 31 years old.
My Neighbor Totoro is a Japanese animated film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. It is one of the most famous and successful films of Japan and its mysticism captivates both adults and children. ** I describe it as a work of art **. All the illustrations of the film are handmade drawings taking care of every detail implicit in the scene.
It is a family, 2 girls (Satsuki and Mei) and a father who is a university professor (Tatsuo Kusakabe) they move from the city to the countryside to be in contact with their mother, because she has tuberculosis and must be in recovery in Hospital. When the girls arrive at this new home in the countryside, they discover that small black creatures live in the house, but this does not scare them and these little soot spirits leave because they are a good family.

In the course of the days, the youngest girl, Mei, discovers while playing outside the house, that a creature similar to a white rabbit walks through her garden, she pursues him and notices that she is not alone and there is another one a little more Big as he, she follows him into the forest and they reach the hole of a gigantic tree. Mei enters without fear and meets her neighbor Totoro.

Mei falls down the hole on the belly of a giant creature just like the other little ones she saw, she stays there observing him sleeping full of curiosity while Totoro snores. Lying in the belly of her new neighbor, she falls asleep and wakes up in the patio of her house, tells her sister and her father about the adventure and tries to take them to the place, but does not hit the tree. Her father comforts her and tells her that Totoro is the guardian of the forest and will be seen when he decides.

On a rainy day the girls go to the bus stop to wait for their father, Mei falls asleep while Satsuki carries her on his back, Tatsuo delays arriving and Totoro stands at his side, that's when Satsuki sees him first time. She gives her umbrella to cover herself with rain and Totoro is happy with the object and the drops falling on him. In gratitude Totoro gives her a gift, a bunch of nuts and seeds. Then a bus arrives that is really a cat too and Totoro gets on it and leaves. A moment later the father of the girls arrives and Satsuki tells him his version.

The excited girls decide to plant the seeds but as the days go by they do not bloom. One night while they sleep, in their dreams Totoro visits and his other two smaller versions of him. It takes them to dance around the plants and suddenly a huge tree grows, they dance and play with their neighbor all night. The next day they wake up and run to see their big tree, but there were only small buds born of the seeds.

Mei and Satsuki were excited because soon their mother could visit them, but they receive the bad news that her mother got worse and she will not be able to go home, the sisters argue and Mei decides to go alone to the hospital to take an ear to her mother to improve. Mei is lost and her desperate sister goes in search of her. When not finding it he asks for help to Totoro and the gatobus appears, climbs in him and goes is Mei's search. Finally they find her, they visit her mother at the hospital without her seeing her and both girls realize that Mama is well and soon she will leave the hospital.

In the credits of the movie you can see that mom and dad return home and Mei and her sister enjoy playing with other children while Totoro watches them without being seen by others. ** Mi Vecino Totoro ** is a drama with a touch of hope and love, which envelops you in the culture of a country, which makes you fly your imagination. If you are an adult, you become a child again. This story has a magic touch that makes you feel many things at once. You can laugh, fantasize, cry and even scare.
In this story Satsuki goes from being an older sister, to a maternal figure for her little sister, she had to deal for a while with responsibilities that were not proper for a girl of her age. This family was going through a difficult time, but ** they allowed themselves to continue dreaming, laughing, playing, moving forward and believing that everything could finally improve. **

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Woff, woff!
Hello @jeanninem, Nice to meet you!
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I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!
Woff, woff! 🐶
Totoro is an incredibly story full of japonese culture. I love it.