Thought Bubble Thursdays #2 - It's All SLIGHTLY Connected

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Since I spent the whole of last week criticizing the DC Extended Universe, I decided to take this opportunity to dole out some justice across the border and even the scales a bit. One might think that this is all just a facade I'm putting up and that I just don't want to be labeled as someone that's biased towards Marvel. To said one, yes. Yes, you are correct. So, without further ado, welcome to Thought Bubble Thursdays number two!

Connecting the dots

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The way the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has set themselves apart is how they built their universe by connecting otherwise disconnected movies. They operated under the slogan hashtag ItsAllConnected for a long time, and it had indeed bore fruit. With the rich tapestry of interweaving storylines that they had constructed, they could have a character pop up in one movie and have that same character pop up in a wildly different movie without needing to over explain anything. In terms of marketing, viewers are encouraged to watch all the other movies so that they could be privvy to the interconnectedness of it all.


Since everything was based off an interconnected comic book universe, it makes sense that the stories used in the movies were connected as well. Even before Marvel devised this, I (and a lot of other people) was already looking for intertwined stories between earlier superhero movies, like Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, and Batman and Superman. All we ever got then were easter eggs, which was fine. Constructing a whole universe takes a lot of hard work, and it's not something you just come up with on-the-fly. Isn't that right, Mr. Snyder?

Original Image Source. Meme made by yours truly.

So, when Marvel introduced Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man (spoiler alert?), everyone can be forgiven for thinking that the other Avengers would be introduced in an Iron Man sequel. They did us one better though. They introduced Captain America and Thor in their own movies and then put the band together in The Avengers. Oh sorry, Marvel's The Avengers. Gotta keep up with the branding, y'all.

After Marvel's The Avengers (jeez) though, Marvel took their slogan to a whole other level. Instead of just connecting different movies, they decided to connect it all with… (aghast!) TV.

Don't Call it a Spin-off

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There have been tie-in TV shows with movies, TV shows based on movies, movies remade into TV shows or made-for-TV movies, but there hasn't been a TV series that intertwined seamlessly with an ongoing movie franchise, hasn't there? Hasn't there!? No, I'm really asking. Hasn't there? If you know the answer to that, please let me know in the comments section. I would really love to know, y'know?

With the death of Agent Coulson (again, spoilers), not only did the Avengers assemble, but the promise of Marvel seeping over to weekly TV was slowly being fulfilled. It was unheard of, at the time. Imagine, Marvel in your small and big screens 365 days a year. If that doesn't make a fanboy come to completion, then I don't know what does. Hmm… maybe a Black Widow-Carol Danvers-Jessica Drew ménage à trois. Yeah, I think that'll do it, too. I guess it's way easier to satisfy fanboys than initially thought.

Thanos Source, Fanboys Source

However, the death of Agent Coulson (aka the glue that bound the MCU's first phase) was short-lived (ha!), as he was tapped to lead the TV incarnation of a group of completely unknown characters. After all, nobody ever dies in the comics. To no one's surprise, Agents of SHIELD had nothing going for it, except for the hope that one of the real superheroes would show up for a 5-second cameo. Other than Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury and Jaimie Alexander's Lady Sif (who?) from Thor, nobody else bothered to show up. I mean, the least they could do was to walk across the screen and throw in a nod and a wink, what with all of the mentions of things that happened in the movies. But, like I said in the first installment of this series, I root for underdogs.

So, I gave Agents of SHIELD a shot. I slogged through one of the slowest paces I've seen in a TV show for the first half of the season. I often wondered if I instead spent my time on more productive things instead of watching it, I could've made an app that could've rivalled Steemit. But, lo and behold, during the aptly title episode "Turn, Turn, Turn", that little show that could really did turn things around.

If it weren't for Ming-Na Wen, I wouldn't have stuck around and witnessed one of the most flawless executions of brand synergy I've seen in my life. So thank you, Ming-Na!

Oh, you! You can Hyakuretsu Kyaku me any time you want ;)

For those of you who haven't seen the show, again, spoiler alert. That episode was tightly connected to the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, where it was found out that half of the spy organization SHIELD was infiltrated by their sworn enemies, Hydra. The episodes that came after really feel like they fit in the grand scheme of things. It was like Cap and Bucky were just punching each other in the other room. From that point on, the next episodes were injected with a renewed energy that made all of them fun. The downside of the revelation was that the title of the series made no sense anymore. You see, after The Winter Soldier, SHIELD as an organization ceased to exist.

Agents of NOTHING

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Little did anyone knew, the renewed vitality signalled the beginning of the end for the synergy. Now that the TV team was operating apart from the movie's shadow, it was free to do what it wanted to do. Sure, it still teased the hope of the movie big guns to show up, but it had grown past it. The show lived on its own merits, and it didn't need the movies to be enjoyable. It went wild and dug from sources that the movies were afraid to touch. And, it all worked. Agents of SHIELD consistently upped its game with every passing season, which led the way for other Marvel TV properties to come to light.

Agent Carter (Captain America's WWII love interest) led a cult-favorite, yet short-lived, series. The Devil from Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil, was redeemed from the disastrous Ben Affleck portrayal. Jessica Jones upped the ante with the help of one of the terrifying villains to date. Luke Cage held the flag for representation, and Iron Fist, well, divided critics and fans alike. And, The Punisher and the Runaways are running away with it as sleeper hits.

They weren't all perfect, cough Inhumans cough, but they explored aspects of the larger universe that would've otherwise gone unnoticed in the movies. But, through all of the small screen mentions, the movies didn't seem to acknowledge the existence of their TV counterparts. The interconnectedness, it seemed, was only one-way, which was sad. What's even sadder, was that it apparently stemmed from arguments behind the scenes.

A Civilized War

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Even though Kevin Feige has been known as the face of Marvel's successful cinematic universe, it seems that the powers-that-be, namely Marvel President Ike Perlmutter had been dragging the potential through the mud. I won't get into too much detail, as it's already been discussed elsewhere on the internet, but it's the same old story about money vs creativity. Feige, thankfully, didn't take it lying down and instead splintered the movie division into a newly-rebranded Marvel Studios, effectively detaching itself from Marvel and its TV properties.

They've been making excuses that it's hard to cross the small screen over to the movies because of the shooting and airing schedules, but the Netflix shows shoot and air like movies, so I don't know how valid their argument is. It's a shame that money, once again, got in the way of an otherwise profitable crossover. If they want to sell more merchandise, they would've done so had they crossed over their TV properties to the big screen. It's a minor gripe, but one that has lasting ramifications throughout the whole cinematic universe.

While the TV division acknowledges everything going on in the movies, every major thing happening in the TV shows are simply put by the wayside by the movies. It would've been the perfect opportunity to mash them up with the upcoming Infinity War, but signs point to it not being the case.

DC TV has been doing a great job with the pieces that they have, but that's for a different post. I mentioned them because at least they didn't preach that everything was connected. With the multiverse aspect that they introduced, they could easily just say that the movies belong to a different universe and they could crossover with them whenever they want. I mean, they won't, but at least it's more plausible.

Disney eating up Marvel, and eventually allowing Feige to let loose, was a huge blessing in hindsight. With tight oversight, I don't know how a successful cinematic universe would be able to function. Oh wait…

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Now, with Disney in talks of gobbling up Fox, it would mean that the X-Men and Fantastic Four, which I mentioned before was not fully owned by Marvel Studios, would be able to join in on the fun. If only Fox caved in like Sony did, it wouldn't have to be consumed whole by the House of Mouse.

THIS JUST IN!! Disney has acquired Fox which would effecivel reunite the X-Men and the Fantastic Four to the larger MCU. How they would go about that remains to be seen, what with all of the X-Men stuff on the way. It surely bodes well for the Fantastic Four franchise though. I could see it now "Marvel's Fantastic Phase Four" (because the MCU Phase 3 is going to wrap up after Avengers 4) haha! That would be something.

Fearless forecast (12/14/2017 9:00 GMT+8), you heard it here first, the former Stark Tower/Avengers Tower that was being emptied in Spider-Man Homecoming because the building was sold, it's going to be turned into...

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The Fantastic Four's Baxter Building!!

With Perlmutter (and his racist and sexist antics) gone and Brian Michael Bendis moving to DC (yay!), I'm holding out hope that the promise of connectiveness would come to fruition. If not for the sake of connetivity itself, then for the sake of truth, justice and… I think I'm getting carried away.


Enough about my rant, let's talk about you. How are you? How goes life?

Dumped any of your SBDs during the rally last week?

What do you think of the whole "It's All Connected" thing?

Do you think connecting everything is not worth Marvel's time?

Too many questions? I'm still doing it, aren't I? Sorry, I just want to know how you're doing, y'know? Anyway, if I stop, will you share your thoughts in the comments section?

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I tried agents of shield! I have to after a few because I was bored and I wasn't getting the payback that I deserved. I could give it a bash again but after reading this I figure I don't have to!

You do these posts really well dude!

Thanks for the encouragement, bro-ltergeist! 'Tis a real honor being recognized by the likes of you!

Definitely give Agents of SHIELD another go. I was bored out of my mind at the first half of the first season, but they really turned things around. It was quite a welcome surprise, and to this day it's one of the finer genre shows that is still on the air. You're missing out if you haven't watched it recently!

I shall put it on my list of things to watch should I ever get time :0) it will be after guardians of the galaxy and the star wars films and trainspotting 2. Which is number one on the list!

Oh dudester I'm so excited for you for when you get to binge everything! Right now since you're mostly kept busy it's quite alright that you're missing everything. When you do eventually get to it, you wouldn't have to endure months of agonizing wait. You could watch the next one after the one you just watched. Oh how I envy you!

There is that bonus to not being at the top of the curve!!

It's quite good when you can just rack up episode after episode. Can't wait!

I have half a mind to take up residence beneath a rock to wait everything out, but the cryptos come a calling!

I'm just wondering when the US government will reign in Disney. Talk about a behemoth monopoly that needs to be taken down. And, I'm a fan of original Disney... :|

You know, I'm wondering the same thing. Corporations should really have a limit on how much it grows. It's becoming too big to be controlled, and I hope they rein it in before it's too late. I mean, I like most of their output, but I don't want to be riding a Disney-made car and live in a Disney-powered house in the near future. Great to have you back on here, bud! :D

That's the thing there... I won't be going for a ride in a car that's satnav comes with choice of man, woman, or mouse. I don't really get how Disney, Amazon, or Google have gotten to the sizes that they are...I guess the good old days of the 1990s anti-Trust cases against Microsoft are long since faded along America's scenic highways and byways.

May the world forgive us if Disney builds Skynet.

Glad to be back... gotta catch up on that reading... lol

BBC brought out a documentary about the Game Theory (if the title was an original, it actually said 'we are fucked'!!)

Game theory says corporations should be allowed to police themselves because they'll always do what is good for their customers, since that is good for business.
Well, I guess you can take a guess as to which direction that took us.

"Multinational fuckings all around!"

First thought that popped in my head. I'll have to see if I can find that one.

Okay, I saved you the trouble and just made a post with the first of three vids from BBC.

Missed this. Will check it out though.

Ahahaha! That'll be something! I bet it'll be pretty annoying once Mickey constantly tells you to take a U-turn. Not sure if I'll feel the same way if Goofy was the voice though.

In Amazon and Google's case, I think I've watched their rise more closely. With decentralization going mainstream though, it's interesting how large corporations would react.

Goofy might be alright. But, Mickey's would surely send me to the funny farm.

Decentralization quite possibly could be the corporate solution to following different government regulations and tax haven crackdowns. Meanwhile it creates a whole new set of problems with corporate ownership, responsibility, and compliance.

With both companies providing the infrastructure for a significant number of crypto projects, I worry that decentralization is a myth like Dry Land isn't.

Oh it definitely does. I think anything disruptive would really cause a major paradigm shift. The real question is if it would be for the better. No matter how accurate predictions could be, there are still unforeseen factors at play.

It's always the unforeseen factors... those bastards. ;) Could you imagine how boring life would be without them? We'll never know if it's for the better until after we try it out that's the sad and sorry state of unknown factors having a hand in reality. lol.

Dear me, I think I just implied we can't know SkyNet is bad until after we build it. NOPE. THAT's NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL!!! (Sorry. Had to yell that so that the DisneyAI in the machine will know -- j/k -- or am I?).

I recall hearing the interconnected universe thing being described as "impenetrable" as far as the comics were concerned because if you happened to plop in randomly (because you happened to be in a comic shop and that cover looked interesting enough to warrant picking up and thumbing through) you had exactly no idea what was going on and no way of finding out unless you read at least fifteen series worth of back issues of everything first XD

I do appreciate the effort that went into connecting everything though, that was kinda cool.


Just be patient and wait until the sith lords at disney gobbles up WB. 😈😈😈

Haha! I don't think WB would ever fold. I do hope they grow so that Disney won't have a monopoly in their hands!

Disney has double-agents planted in WB to ruin it lol like they did with Fox, then they'll gobble it up when it's easier to digest haha

Haha! That's a horrifying future!

You know, that's a legitimate fear, and one that both DC and Marvel are guilty of doing. Sometimes it feels like a cashgrab move to reel the readers in to buy more comics, but in recent years, there is a more concerted effort to minimize that sort of thing. Marvel introduced the Point One initiative, where you can read any comic and feel as if you're reading a complete story without needing to buy other comics. DC rebooted their whole line with The Flashpoint Paradox and the New 52 to consolidate decades of stories but was met with mixed reception so they introduced the DC Rebirth which included more self contained stories.

The events could be read by anyone picking it up for the first time, but there's just more incentive for the people who have read the other stories beforehand. More easter eggs, more payoff, that sort of thing. But, the main story could be understood even by first time readers. I guess it goes the same way for the solo movies.

So basically gone full circle as to begin with the comics were things that while there ight have been a story arc spanning a few comics you could still pick up any comic without needing to know a million years worth of backstory first? :D


Exactly! Hahaha! We always go the convoluted route after all haha! It's best route to take!

Are you cheering Bendis' move because you dislike what he's doing at Marvel, or are you just intrigued by what he may do at DC? Also, did you hear about his life threatening MRSA infection? That was interesting news and I hope he's recovering well.
Really enjoying your Thought Bubble Thursdays, keep it up!

You know, I think it's a bit of both. I don't get the hate surrounding his recent work, but I do feel like the quality has stagnated a bit. BMB was one of those pioneers, in his own way, so I do hope that a change of scenery would reinvigorate his writing. The plus side for Marvel is that he leaves a vacuum for new talent to grow. For DC, it's great to have a comic great fortify their already great Rebirth initiative.

I did read about his infection, that's why I thought twice about including him in this post as it might be taken negatively. But then I thought, maybe if I don't mention it no one would even know. I was wrong haha! In any case, I do wish him a speedy recovery. I know he's going to bounce back tougher.

Thanks for the compliment, man! I'm glad that you've been enjoying it. I didn't expect to have this much fun writing it, so I'm glad it's translating well. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!

Quite an expose this one. A very interesting one to me. I certainly didn't see all of those movies you talk about here, but something surprised me here - the sequence of ideas: DC Extended Universe- Illuminati symbol on "connecting the dots" drawing - All is connected - (Marvel) Agents of the Shield -the Avengers - Infinity war - Marvel Fantastic Phase Four. So, let's read this: DC extended its universe by Illuminati's effort to connect the dots until all is connected (internet, crypto, AI) while the agents of the Shield wage infinite war againstHydra and we are now in the phase four. They don't like the guardians of the Earth (nature) and they want thir own shield around the Earth that will enable them to turn everything in a cyborg like state or at least keep it solely for themself.

Haha that's certainly one way of looking at it, sure. Though I don't think the Illuminati is involved in the DCEU process. If they were, then the DCEU would've achieved more success than they currently have.

By DC extended its universe I meant Washington DC.

Ahh haha I see. It's a bit of a stretch, but yeah sure.

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That's funny haha