Really useful, clear tips here. Great post!
I also stand behind the idea that it's important to draft; in the business text I teach (Guffey's Process and Product) it says that the revision process should take about 50% of the total writing time: a lot can happen between a first draft and a final one.
Drafting and revising also marks the difference between a professional message and one that's lacking. I recently read an article (in print) that said "pubic" instead of "public." Uh, big difference there! Ha!
Oh man, lol, now there's a typo. Pro-tip: if you're ever typing up a document that uses the word 'public' a lof, do a 'control+F' (find) and search to see if you've accidentally typed in 'pubic'. Little tip I picked up when I worked for the Province of AB ;)
P. S. thanks for the printable!