Quinn almost knocked me out, opening the door so fast—but maybe she knocked some sense into me, because I can feel myself mellowing.
I don’t know why I'm always going around smashing things like a double-upped fist—like hating the locals and calling them Morlocks just because they're simple farmers.
But now I see the truth—they can’t help it. It 's just the way they are.
So from now on, going forward, I make up my mind that live and let live is going to be my new motto.
I come back down some time later, wearing the white bathrobe she left on the floor—I know, I caved—but her robe is warmer than the blanket, and doesn’t have to be constantly held up.
Quinn’s already lit some candles and set out trays by the fire. It looks like a picnic in our own front room—make that, Quinn’s front room.
Candles in sconces are twinkly romantically all around us.
We sit and eat and talk. I forgot for a time there, how easily we could both talk.
And as we’re eating, she laughs and for a moment, just a fraction of a second, the firelight gilds her face and hair and she’s eighteen again, and I feel the same way now as I did then.
I’m still in love with this girl.
She stops eating and looks at me, and knows. She feels it too.
There’s a knock on the door that startles us both.
“Go answer it, Gray—send whoever it is away.”
I get up, stumble through the dark to the foyer and open the front door.
Jim Kerr, our neighbour, flashes this huge search beam on me—and my ‘cute’ white robe.
“Hey, sorry to disturb you, Gray—the electricity’s out and I was just checking up on you folks.”
His eyes are huge and I can only imagine what he’s thinking.
“We’re fine, Jim—thanks for asking.” He’s staring at the robe.
“We got caught in the rain and got soaked. I just got out of the bath and grabbed whatever I could find.”
I knew it sounded lame, but Jim—well, he kind of played along. “Good. Then, I won’t keep you from your evening—just wanted to make sure you all were safe.”
I wondered what the other Morlocks would think about that tomorrow when they got together to jaw about if down at the general store. Still, it was pretty neighbourly of Jim to come out in the rain just to be sure we were okay.
I went back and told Quinn—and imagining their faces, we laughed so hard, we felt sick. Then we talked about all the crazy things we’d come through—our joys and pain, and something broke.
We fell in love again.
It’s funny—just as I was going, leaving Quinn and feeling all at sea—the clouds broke, and something in me broke—what a break for me.
I told Quinn how I felt and she agreed—we both looked into the future and she couldn’t envision a parting from me.
As far as I’m concerned, the rain can pitter-patter, and it doesn’t really matter if the skies are gray.
As long as we’re together, who cares about the weather? —It’s a lovely day*
Sabemos que es amor, cuando la otra persona sonríe y la felicidad es tuya, @johnjgeddes. Menos mal que Gray se dio cuenta de lo inevitable que a veces puede ser el amor, de ese perfume que salió de la tierra con la lluvia. Cuando dos personas están destinadas a estar juntas, ni el infierno es motivo para separse. Cuanto me gustó este final. Abrazos
Gracias, Nancy - hay un perfume de primavera en el aire - la perspectiva de un nuevo comienzo
I can always appreciate a good read :)
Thanks for sharing @johnjgeddes, easy to read and follow.
thanks for your response
Dang! I was rootin' for the Morlocks! ;-)
You know what happened to them in the Time Machine film :)
Happens sometimes, falling back in love... :)
It's beautiful the second time around :)
:-) I really have least care until my loved ones are with me but when they turned against because of different in opinions ,the same beauty in them becomes intolerable. How relative our relationships are?
But still they are our support. I hope , Everyday to happen with loved ones :whether Lovely or Ugly ...
Wonderful and full of love post
Yours Reader
there are always problems in relationships, but most can be worked out :)
True my friend. I wish you a lot of healthy relationships. :-)
I love your posts.. keep bringing up such content@johnjgeddes
Thank you!
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