Felicity Dunn
“Is this too mature for a six-year old?”
Angie rolls her eyes. “Bubble bath? Really, Paul.”
“What do I know? —Hell, I’m a forty-year old bachelor.”
“Don’t worry. I know Hope will love her birthday gifts—Lambie socks, a soft purple blanket, bubble bath and Ferrero Rocher chocolates—gold foil only. What six year old wouldn’t feel all grown-up getting that?”
“I appreciate this, Ange—you spending your Saturday with me at the mall.”
“Don’t worry—you’ll owe me for it,” she smiles mischievously.
We walk back to her car. Angelina and I are co-owners of Adolph’s, an upscale eatery in the historic Stickley mansion, but Adolph Moulton, is the real genius behind the scenes.
Adolph’s a restaurateur par excellence, a modern Ragueneau whose love of poetry and big heart leads him to support struggling artists by bartering meals in exchange for help in running the restaurant.
On any given day I can enter the doors and be greeted by several unfamiliar faces. Still, it makes for one big happy family and Adolph’s is fast becoming a beloved Toronto eatery.
We drive back to the historic Stickley manse where our restaurant is housed.
It’s now lit with twinkling clear Christmas lights and Yule trees spaced round the huge wooden verandah. It looks warm and inviting in the November twilight.
“You can come to the party, you know.”
Ange winces, “Uh, no. Sorry Paul—I’ll pass—a half-dozen six year olds getting their faces painted? I don’t think so.”
Ange and I never really hit it off—not to say we’re not compatible, but whatever chemistry it takes to push friends to that next level, well, it just isn’t there for us.
Mind you, I can’t say the same for Felicity.
Felicity Dunn is the mysterious dark-haired beauty who appears at odd times, just when we need her—usually a rainy day, or a hectic Friday night. She’ll pop in, help out and disappear—God knows what arrangement Adolph has made with her.
I’m enthralled with Felicity and my friendship with Ange has now finally gotten to the point where I can confide in her.
“So when am I going to meet this dark lady, Paul?”
“No idea, Ange—you know how chaotic things get around here—it’s day to day. The place is crazy—like the old Laurel and Hardy skit—Who’s on First?”
She smiles knowingly. “I love Adolph, but it is sheer madness some days—okay, most days, ha ha.”
“So, are you coming in?”
“No, heading home. Gonna have a spa, put my feet up and order in—probably Chinese.”
“Lucky you,” I smile wryly, thinking a movie night would be nice—but the lines between us are firmly drawn.
But then there’s Felicity, too—an Audrey Hepburn look-alike, with the same fashion flair and a penchant for wearing retro 60’s fashions.
Eye-catching, to say the least.
I push through the doors and run straight into Adolph, his huge face perpetually beaming like the Mediterranean sun he loves.
“Ah Paul, I was just looking for you. It’s going to be really hectic tonight—I was thinking of calling in Angelina—what do you think?”
I spot Felicity entering the far door dressed in a long, black wool jacket—she looks stunning.
“I don’t think we need to trouble Ange tonight—I’ve got the situation in hand.”
Adolph’s head is bobbing, his smile beatific—it’ll be an enchanting evening, Paul.”
It will, I muse—certainly enchanting.
I approach Felicity in time to help her off with her coat. “Paul, I’m so glad you’re on tonight!”
I lean in close and inhale her perfume. She’s dressed in a simple red shift, her black hair up and no accessory other than a necklace of over-sized white pearls. She takes my breath away.
“You’re staring,” she whispers, “Am I showing?”
You certainly are, I tell myself, but that’s not what I tell her.
“You look lovely, tonight.”
Her smile is dazzling. Strange, how I never before noticed her red ruby lipstick, or how her lips pout—but I do now.
I somehow manage to focus, and force myself back to the task at hand. Together, Felicity and I work as an efficient team and before long, the room is running smoothly and the night filled with magic.
I’m so caught up in the details, it’s after midnight before I notice my lovely diva has fled—another missed opportunity to ask her out.
I resolve to remedy that oversight next time.
Laurel and Hardy?
Wasn't it Abbott and Costello?😉

Yeah, I always get those guys mixed up...GRRRR!! lol
First players hit 50% ROI, after 15 days, woop woop
