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RE: Writer of Note

in #writing3 months ago

Hey Lydon! Good to hear from you:) Was it a timely post for you? Everything's good here, how about you? fatherhood is challenging but so fulfilling - I miss the days when I'd give them a bath and put them to bed with a story - a 'one day story' about when I was their age and it turned into a children's book called, The Adventures of Moonbeam. Yeah, this is the best time of your life ( if you're not exhausted, lol).


It is good to chat again. Yes, it is a timely post indeed. I feel the need to write again.

Your memories of fatherhood conjure a smile on my face. I begin to believe that fatherhood is meant to remind us to be children again. Growing up can be a trap.

We are well here. Grateful for a wife who has training as a counselor, lol. I’ll send you an email with a few more life updates.

Sounds great, Lydon, glad to re-connect