and right; as if our hands hold memories
of meeting in a thousand other lives.
― John Mark Green

Tess Woods was incredibly beautiful but disturbing.
Whenever she appeared she upended my emotions, then left me desolate as though a lifelong loneliness invaded my heart.
There was something familiar and haunting about her I couldn't quite define and every word and gesture struck a plaintive note inside me.
How could I reconcile these feelings of desire when i was so powerfully drawn to Clare?
Maybe she was right--maybe I was a player, a shallow, faithless roué, a rogue and a rake and most likely a prodigal who'd end up wasting the family fortune and amassing lavish debts in the process.
I glimpsed my face in the hall mirror and realized with shock, I was not the man I was picturing in my head.
Where did these accusing thoughts come from?
I began to shake and had to sit down.
Why am I so weak and fragile? I upbraided myself, then caught myself and got a grip on my emotions.
These are not my thoughts, I realized.
Tess' departure always left me desolate. I felt oppressed like a hermit or an ascetic in a desert and these same demons that inhabited desolate places were now tormenting me.
I was feeling shame and a heavy burden of guilt and knew I'd have to examine this emotion and determine its origins.
I sensed something back in the past tied me to Tess and our relationship had not ended well.
Although the exact details were unclear to me, it was undeniable― a dark pall remained.
And although we were probably not good for one another, the ache for her inside me felt impossible to contain.
Posting back here so that it is only between us and if you wish, I will delete.
I see your govt says that Canada can now implement the Great Reset (no more public property and we each get a universal basic income without working for it).
Is this in line with your own philosophy?
Just curious...
No, no - good idea to post back. Haven't heard of this scheme, Arthur - People have the idea that Canadians are socialists -we're not. We're a bit more liberal than the States and not afraid of some social programs - we like a mixed economy - we're not Sweden for sure. A guaranteed income is not what I would be comfortable with at all, but I would like a guaranteed minimum wage which is a living wage - I'm thinking in the neighbourhood of $15.00 per hr. If you're willing to work you should be able to eat and have a roof over your head.