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RE: Meditation/Thought for the day 12/21/2017

in #writing7 years ago

Great reminder, especially about being unsettled about missing out. I think that's so much for common these days, especially for people investing in the crypto world.

Here's my two things I'm grateful for:

1: that things are always working out for me! I slept through my alarm today and was an hour late, but everything still worked out perfectly!

2: how much my life has changed in the last year plus. It's easy to take things for granted, but I've made so many positive changes: new vocation, new city, many new friends, evolved relationship, and a much happier lifestyle!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inspiring me to check in and appreciate!


So good bro, i to have been through so much change over the last few years..I came out of depression and addiction, and have found my purpose and destiny again.....following now😇

Awesome man! Following back!