How bread saved my day?!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


"Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. Throughout history, writer's block has been a documented problem." - Wikipedia


Past: Once upon a time, in a small city of Serbia, lived a girl which could write and create throughout the day, and night. Often, she would lay down, in hope of some sleep, but the thoughts wouldn't stop crossing her mind. She would pull the covers over her head and say “I'm not getting out of bed, I want to sleep.", but they wouldn't leave. Eventually, she would give up, get out of her bed to grab her notebook, and she would write. (Yup, I still use "pen&paper" when writing) But, as in all the fairytales, the dark days have clouded her world...

Present: Today, I was trying to work, and come up with an idea what to write about. Considering the fact that I'm into digital marketing - creativity and writing are as important, as it gets, so you can understand why I've been tipping on my toes in hope of the idea's arrival.
So, here I am, trying to figure it out, in hope of finding the perfect inspirational photo, and the idea popped up... Before I got the chance to process it, my mom (I love you, nevertheless), came storming in with an unsolvable and the most important problem of the day:

"We don't have bread!!!"

Explanation: In our cuisine, bread is essential - we can't eat nor breathe without it.

That was the moment when the idea "died". I've had no clue what it was, not a single hint. By the way, has this ever happened to you?


Well, we've all been there. Lack of inspiration...absolutely no idea what to write about. Somedays, I can't catch up with my own ideas and plans, and some days - well, this happens. Blank page...


That was the moment when I decided to "get some help". I typed:"How to overcome writer's block?" into all powerful google search engine, and there were a lot of articles about it. I went through a few, but, in the end, found the one that I like the most. It's interesting, and really not hard to accomplish. That's why I've decided to copy/paste some of the answers I found, comment it, and hopefully, help out a little to all of you, going through the same problem as I am. I don't know if it'll work, but I'll give it a try. There's nothing to lose! :D

HERE'S MY TOP 18 LIST (strange number, I know):
1. Talk to an imaginary friend - it's known that the best articles are created and inspired by everyday experiences. It's time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with our new best friend
2. Curse like a sailor - this helps... It really does. No further explanation needed
3. Use a different writing tool - small difference can make a big change
4. Take a short trip - change of the environment is healthy from time to time
5. Chug some caffeine - fuel for your imagination, and it tastes great, doesn't it?
6. Stop writing for your readers - write about the things that make you feel good - the readers will notice that
7. Stop planning your posts - there's no magic in planning
8. Surprise yourself - step out of your comfort zone and be unpredictable
9. Go to a bookstore - is there a better place to spark your mind
10. Wash the dishes - if the shower is known as the place of birth of your best ideas, give the dishes a chance (maybe the water has something to do with it :D )
11. Shut down your computer - shutting off from "world" can be inspiring
12. Browse your photo albums - bring back memories and feelings
13. Stop worrying about grammar - it doesn't have to be perfect - you'll correct it later. don't worry about it
14. Start in the middle - write whatever comes to your mind. Follow the story, and it'll lead you
15. Reread your glory posts - boost your confidence. There's nothing to be ashamed about feeling successful
16. Be a misfit - you're a writer... You can be different... As the matter of fact, you must be. Be yourself :)
17. Create weird challenges - try something else (other from the usual topic) and have fun while writing
18. Get your inner critic on your side - make your inner critic a friend and listen to him

If you want to read the whole article, here it is -

Writing is hard, guys and gals. With all the things happening and distracting us on daily basis, all the things we have to do and deal with, we're happy to even be able to write. Writing is about opening yourself, giving the insight of your own, no matter what the topic is, and that's not easy to do. Through it, we often expose ourselves more than we think - if you're not what you write about, then what are you?
False or true, good or bad, it takes an effort to put your thoughts into a "paper". So, don't give up, and don't chase it. It has a habit of showing up unexpected, like it did to me today, when something so normal and seemingly irrelevant, gave me the idea to write this.
So, keep on writing, Steemit Peeps! :) Soon, we'll be like this:

Let me know what you think, and share your experiences with me... :)

P.S. Almost forgot... ALL HAIL THE BREAD! <3



Sounds like you lost one idea but found another to write about! Nice list of writers un-blocking tips you found; I think one of them should surely work for anyone with that issue. Wishing you and your mom a great weekend!

Thank you. I think it's a common problem among this community :) Hopefully, it'll help someone. And yeah, when one idea goes away, another one will follow :)
Have a great weekend, too! :)

Lady Boss is the best

Moon Camp Team rules <3 :D

Lady Boss <3 is at the moon :D how does Earth look from there?

Pretty small :D Still miss you, guys :D

haha. Don't worry, we will come to the moon soon... just in time for Moon Camp :D

It's a deal... Gotta build it together :D

Thank you for reminding me why we do what we do!

I needed some soul searching, myself :) And, thank you :)

very interesting, thanks for posting - Subbed!

Thank you! :)

Amazing Lady Boss! welcome to STEEMIT! <3
RS & Upvoted!

The world, for once, in perfect harmony :D
Thank youu :D <3 I definitelly feel it :D

You know..
A cool thing to do...learned from Stephen king.
Be at the table daily for a specific number of hours. Every day. Write. Write write.
You know why?
So your inspiration knows where to find you :)

That's a beautiful advice. :) Love it!
And I'll deffinitely give it a chance :)

That's funny, I wrote my last post at 2 am because I couldn't sleep, lol!

Strange things make us write :D Yup :P

We've all been there at some point. To me, I found it's easiest to overcome it by always keeping a list of interesting topics you could explore and updating it every time you read something interesting or an idea pops in your head. Then I just go through the list and see what I feel like writing about. :)
Excellent post!

Btw, je l' namerno stavljas 100% Steem power za svaki post? :)

When I'm blocked, not even that helps. It's not about topic, it's more about "finding" the words :)
Btw, pojma nemam... Ostalo je ukljuceno :D I ne znam koja je u stvari fora s tim :D

Po difoltu je 50/50 (uglavnom svi ovako rade), sto znaci da pola iznosa dobijas u Steem dolarima (SBD) koje mozes odmah da unovcis, a pola ti ide u Steem power - to ti je moc, tj uticaj koji imas na sajtu. Vise Steem powera znaci da ces vise donositi novca na postove koje glasas. Mozes da uradis power down koji traje 3 meseca (13 jednakih isplata svake nedelje) i unovcis taj Steem power. Nadam se da je malo jasnije. :)
Ako hoces registruj se na, pa ti mogu razjasniti druge nedoumice. A mozes i da promovises svoje postove tamo.

Mhm :) Kontam sad... Hvaalaa :)
P.S. Vec sam na chat-u :)

Awesome post, followed.

Thank you! :) Followed back :)

Great post @jovana you knocked this one out of the park!

Thank you! :) <3