"Relationship" and "relating" are hard to define most of the time (outside of the exact definition and proper English of course). I mean with poet writing, conceptions, and other forms of otherwise "abstract" works.
I contradict my own writing and writing styles quite often depending on the point or feeling I try to convey. Words are fun to play with, sort of like puddy.
I also find what you said about having relationships with everyone and everything to be a rather fun concept - I like personalizing and personifying inanimate objects to show that concept off.
I apologies for any typos, its hard to keep up on a phone without auto correct.
As a poet, and a philosopher, I do very much the same thing. I contradict myself all the time using words. I think at this point in time, and probably for a while, people have been using words to contradict themselves and say thing they dont really mean. I know people who don't mean anything they say and have no realization that they are doing it. Trump is probably the best example. He has no clue what words he is using. But I also see it in everyday conversation, such as in people calling women "dude" and others using exaggerations and the like.
I really enjoy writing in a way that is super picky of each word, I do that when I am texting someone I like, I am super meticulous and that feels good, but I wouldn't be able to function at that pace on conversations. I mean, I probably said a dozen things here that I don't truly believe. Including that last sentence. ;)
Its hard not to when words are your playground. Especially when they can be twisted to say so many different things. However, thats in a creative writing way. When I use logic to try to make a point, I try to be very percise with my words. I catch myself getting annoyed at doing both sometimes :P
The joys of writing :D