Life, Existence, Thought..
Are any of these things real? Or are they simply a simulation that we're stuck inside? A mere.. Dream? An idea even.. That only exists as such?..
For many years, many people have questioned what life truly is and what it's meaning is. Some choose to put faith in religion and choose to believe a certain idea, others create their own ideas and even further, some choose to believe nothing at all, that this is just a random event that cannot and should not be tried to measured. The real answer is that no one knows. We all have our ideas and our beliefs, but none of us truly know (as far as we know, no one person has all the answers in an undeniable way).
This beckons the question; Why even think about something that you may never know or even understand?
My rebuttal would be; Why not? Why not challenge your mind? Why not attempt to understand the seemingly inconceivable? Why not expand your thoughts and way of thinking by approaching ideas with all different perspectives?
The word Existence itself is derived from Latin meaning "to be" or "to appear" or "to become."
To me, this would mean that we do in fact exist, as we appear to be "beings," but you can interpret it many different ways. Leading me, personally, to be completely unsure and thus, still in unknowing.
Being means that one is aware of their mind, body and spirit and the unity they achieve. Now, this also means to me that we are indeed beings, that is undeniable in my opinion, we are in fact beings, but do we exist?
Reality. Reality is the state of things as they truly exist, not as they're dreamed/imagined. Do we truly live in reality? Or are we simply a program? A tiny electrical pulse that's a microcosm of some greater, truer reality/dimension? Are we merely a shadow of another realm? If so, are we truly independent? Or are we merely echoing the actions of another place and time? Are we just imagining ourselves? Do we even look like this? Could this be a hallucination from a fever dream of a long-endured hibernation manifested from our actual, true selves? Could we be the imagined product of another? Simply ceasing to exist once the plug is finally pulled?
Many have wondered, as do I..
What about "life?" Are we truly "alive?"
Life is defined as physical entities having biological processes (as a general explanation..) such as self-sustaining ones, or ones that perform actions. Say we are just a computer program like Elon Musk believes we might possibly be. Are we really "bio"logical then? Or does that just make us a "biological representation" in that we are not biologically existent in a true reality, simply an electrically generated process meant to emulate the process?
Tell me your thoughts/ideas and if you have any work done by any popular philosophers that I might not have read/seen, feel free to share articles with me! I'm all for enlightenment.
I upvoted You
Thanks for sharing, keep going! Best regards, Jonas @future24
Thank you! :) I would've replied sooner, but I was locked up.. :(
But I'm a (semi)free man now. lol :P