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RE: Writing and Money and Me

in #writing7 years ago

Oh, money is such a complex topic. When I was tour directing in former Soviet Union countries, tour members would see ladies walking around in their 'Sunday best' in the middle of the week or obvious party garb in the middle of the day. They got the mistaken notion that these folks were really wealthy. My tour members were confused and wondered how people in these countries could have recovered so well and gotten so wealthy. So I used to remind my American female tour members how they probably often open their bedroom closet door and look at all the clothes they have, but then they think they just 'haven't got a thing to wear.' The ladies snickered, recognizing the thought only too well. And I then explained how one lady I knew had two or three very nice outfits to wear - she just washed them every couple of days and recycled. But she was happy with what she had and thankful that she had been able to save up enough money to buy them. It's all about perspective.