Ooh..do let me know if you see something with your fresh pair of eyes.
It is a style.... But, many good writers out there have their own flair and uniqueness.
One thing I remember doing as I was growing up, is paying attention to how writers put words and string sentences together....picking up on various little stylistics imprints along the way.
I honestly really like Rowling, ... Not up there with the literary genius of the world....but her storytelling and relatability is just phenomenal. I read each book at least three times over the years . And with any movie...I sometimes enjoy watching it again to observe the storytelling and building of characters. ... Looking for the finer details I guess.
But that is a long term habit really. The process ... Coming soon :)
Yes sure!! If I get something, I'll be sure to tell you, that is if I do get something hahaha
Wow, you read 3 times for each book?? Amazing! Writers are avid readers also right? Like you :)
I guess you're a Harry Potter fans as well?
Lol, used to be an avid reader. Been a while since I picked up a book now.
I try to spend time with articles now given the time constraint.
Yes, I guess you could say that, I haven't read Rowling's other work....so for now it appears to be I am a Potterhead Lol.