She bolted up awake. Her heart was pounding violently in her chest. Her sweat glands were ferociously at work such that beads of sweat assaulted her forehead. She ran the back of her hand across forehead chucking away the sweat.
This isn't right she thought. But then again, nothing was right. Her mother had died in a horrific accident, and her father, well, she'd never known her father--something about a divorce before she was born.
Now she was alone in a sprawling two-story apartment. The loneliness clawed at her heart as much as it sawed at her occasionally. She started down the bed, darted downstars in her nightie and stood by the transparent glass window. She stared endearingly at a cluster of birds that were rustling together on the grass outside. How she longed to be in such company!
She opened the door to the apartment just a crack and slipped outside, tip-toeing toward the birds. Before she could get any closer they scurried away into the sky as though she were a fiend about to attack them. She let her gaze follow them upwards into the sky which was azure and cloudless.
The sky! The heavens! The moon, the stars and all those bright illuminating creatures fluttering across the sky in beautiful oblivion.
She could recall her mother kneeling down and looking up into the sky and muttering spasms of prayer. Who was she talking to? God maybe? Or could the heavens speak?
No the heavens could never speak. Her mother's last prayer had been for long life but she died shortly afterwards. She turned towards her door and skidded inside. The heavens could never speak, otherwise her mother wouldn't have died! She slammed the door behind her, the sound rose into the heavens and caused the stars to shudder in fear 😱.
Hello steemians! So I came up with this thing where when I face writer's block I take a writer's prompt and let my imagination soar. So basically a friend gave me that endearing topic and my imagination led to what you just read. Thanks for sharing my moments with me. Please upvote, comment and resteem. Once again my pseudonym is CHAMPAGNE.
This was short but quite nicely written. If this is what you do when you have a writer's block, i would really love to see what you do when you're in your best elements. Cheers!