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RE: The Writing Daddy - S01E01

in #writing7 years ago

Oh, my gosh, I love this one! Thank you for sharing. I am smiling and laughing :)
You really are dedicated, not easy to pull ourselves out of bed. I also write a lot of my dreams so that I can work through them later and often argue with the part of me that does not want to get up to write it down, even though I have paper and pen at my bedside and a small lamp too.


@kimberlylane ! Your words are moving to me.

What about a dream-writing section? We could organize one.

For me, dreaming is full of unexplored ground, we know so few about it... Actually, we think we know something about dreams... but I can't believe in simple rational explanations concerning that.

So, please, write down your dream. Not someday... Today. Tonight!

There are so munch symbols embedded on them... universal ones mixed with subjective ones.

Do you dream in colors? Feel smell and taste?


Oh, yes, I am writing them down alright and trying to honor them in some way. There are many symbols and amazing how our minds can work in so many meanings with one image--very much like writing poetry, a trail of denotations that come from the creative-imaginal realm.
Yes, I do dream in colors and smells and sounds and sometimes these senses are more heightened than others.
I have posted dreams before with a process I learned from a dream teacher and have responded, gotten responses from others here.

I am curious about the dream teacher you mention. It makes me remember some old talk I had with friends, years ago. They read some book about dreams, and how to interact with them, going much further in the meanings behind them... And they went so deep in that, that at some point they just gave up... because mind is so crazing disturbing, that couldn't bare the gigantic symbolism they were being given by their spirits (or... their deepest layers of consciousness).

Oh... I will remember about that authors name... there is something to do with Native Americans...

I will ask my friend about this old talk of ours...
