in #writing7 years ago

Have you, at a time, suddenly seen notifications pop up on your computer screen for update? This is what most of us do--we ignore and move on. Quickly, we think of how to squeeze in the ton of work we have. And we keep doing this till the operating system fails--because we didn't give in to the break when it was needed for update. Now, just like computers, the same thing applies to our human lives.

Everyday, we rush to do a lot of things. We keep setting goals, keep pursuing and setting more goals. In fact, many of us don't rest because we feel there's no need to rest when we have not yet 'earned' it. Well, this is not a problem, but the truth is, you need to take a break. Why?

After setting your goals and you're already in the course of pursuing them, taking a break does you a lot of good. When you take a break, you pause and reflect, not only on how far you've gone in achieving your goals, but also on how well you've come. Here, many may find reasons to keep on with what they do, or quit--which may be for a good cause.

More of what happens when you take a break is, you remind yourself of why you started out in the first place. Just like sleep helps heal the body, taking a break, in this context, helps you get yourself together, refocus and push on with greater strength.

I think it is a good time we've come to. It's another time to reflect on the goals we set for ourselves when we started off the year. Have we been running with them? Take a break; assess yourself, get updates and check on your feedbacks. Modify plans, if you need to. If you're not happy with the results, don't beat yourself up. You've done well to take a break, so you can now perform better. In the end, you will be glad with how far and well you have come!
