( The shadow government.. also known as the "elites", the "deep state" or the "cabal".. Google )
When you look around going about your day today, do you see a planet full of happy beings that is thriving, full of love, acting in a manner which creates ample opportunity and prosperity for all? I know I certainly do not a see a world like the one mentioned in the last sentence, but rather a world that is disconnecting, suffering and in the throws of artificial scarcity and turmoil. I see unjustified wars, people killing each-other because of race or religion while governments of the world become polluted or corrupted by power and greed.
What if I told you that the ruling class of humans on this earth don't give a fuck about your well being and give even less of a fuck about the planet? Sadly one may not be far off in this analysis of the current state of politics on planet earth. From morally corrupted governments, military industrial complex as well as the shadowy "deep state" we appear to be headed towards great turmoil on this planet, likely resulting in the deaths of billions of people over the next 50 years. It's to be noted that this post isn't meant as fear porn, but rather to help people realize what is happening on this planet.
The folks who run this world, often referred to as the "Cabal" are motivated not by the want to help humanity but a force that could be called greed. While some shrug off this notion and call people "conspiracy theorists" ( A term coined by the CIA to discredit people, no less! ) the fact of the matter is that the world is run by a small secret political governing body which has only three wants: Money, power and control over everything on this planet..!

( The elite bankers that run the world, Rothchilds and Rockefellers. Source: Google )
This secret cabal simply put doesn't give a fuck about you, your family, our society or the earth and it's inhabitants. What they seek is nothing short of absolute control over everything and will stop at nothing to achieve this. It becomes apparent when you start looking into subjects such as the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the energy sectors and the military industrial complex. You can't tell me that using the 100+ year old technology known as the internal combustion engine is the pinnacle of modern mechanical travel, or that we haven't had advances in medical research to cure most forms of diseases or cancers.
It is far more profitable for these industries to hold back breakthroughs in order to boost their profits at the cost of the pollution of the world and the deaths of millions of people.
Welcome to the Circus
We are indeed being manipulated and distracted by this group of transnational capitalist elites into paying attention to trivial matters over their rape of societies and the world itself for profit. It almost seems as if the average person is viewed as little more than expendable tax paying consumer livestock to these types of people at an incredible cost to the health and safety of everything. The elite simply do not care. All they want is money, control and power.
The word sociopath doesn't even begin to describe the extent of how evil, greedy and fucked up this class of individuals is. While they have immense amounts of wealth, power and military ties the truth is that we can fight back against this type of tyranny. First off by educating people that this type of stuff is going on, and secondly by overthrowing these elite asshats, by force if necesarry. While not personally a violent person I would gladly defend humanity with my life. if need be to help we the people fight off these elite types.
The peoples revolution must come with mass numbers of people standing up against the big oil, pharmaceutical and military industrial complex together in order to ensure we are not slowly poisoned down to a population number that they can easily control.
Agenda 21: Genocide "For The Greater Good"
Below is a picture of a monument known as the Georgia Guide Stones, erected in 1980 and thought by many to be the cabals version of the 10 commandments written in the bible:

With the advent of the cancer causing 5G networks going up and the silencing of those creating opposition due to the health hazards associated with this type of technology it is my belief that we're already starting to see the beginning of the agenda 21 taking place.. Things also like the Bill Gates funded Zika Virus that ravaged South America causing birth defects and the intense depleted uranium shelling of countries that the USA has gone to war with may also be vectors in which they plan to cull a massive amount of population.
The Perpetual War Machine for Profit

Where were you on 9/11? Personally I was at school in computer class and remember the second tower being hit by the plane. The world was completely taken off guard by this alleged "terrorist" attack on American soil. However the later analysis of this incident points to it being a staged "Black Flag" attack in order to perpetuate another gulf war in order to create a new enemy, feeding the military industrial complex new income through another war and the defense contracts that come with it.
It is said that the members of this elite cabal are very much in bed with the largest weapons manufacturers on the planet and thus need to keep a war constantly going in order to keep their buddies well payed. Absolutely fucking disgusting to say the least, however all evidence points to this perpetual war machine being a very real thing going on, planned by the cabal in order to ensure their plans and profits go unhindered.
We Will Not Obey or Die Without a Fight
The situation is dire to say the least. We as humans are basically being lined up to be culled in massive number in the upcoming years and without the spread of this information and readying ourselves to take action against this absolute travesty unfolding in front of us. The future does not look promising if we allow these elite class individuals to continue running the systems unchecked and unregulated.
Every man woman and child on this planet is at risk of being turned into another grim statistic if we do not take action against this intrusive and elusive menace approaching our doorsteps.
Please do not take this as my attempt to peddle fear porn or create anxiety within yourself. It is not that at all, but simply a wake up call and a call to arms against what some say may be the greatest enemy our species has ever faced.

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youre canadian? makes so much more sense now ahhah!!! grrreat post and i am with you on this one. so many people even claim to be enlightened deny most if what you have written here. sad.
LOL. Aye, I'm up in the north.
Enlightenment comes at a cost of knowing what is going on... I'm certainly not enlightened but am aware enough to see this bullshit going down.. :/
Why do people expect to be cared for/about? This only sets them up for disappointment. DIY. From my perspective the order of motivation is Power to Control... and money is that means of control, but money isn't real, they know this. Humans chasing money and the stuff it buys is the cabal's real control... you can fill in the blanks for yourself.
We as people have definitely a lot of power too. It depends if we play their game or not. But I think a majority don't care or don't want to know what's going on behind the scene. They rather live in the bubble they created themselves and feel comfortable with. If we all would stop playing their game we could indeed change a lot.
Also, I think all that suffering leads to enlightenment if you actually want to. Seems like a lot of people waking up right now. This is the first step. But it surely takes time.
very good article, now as if all only side with people who have power and a lot of money, the law made in a country does not apply to rich people, they seem to be able to make it all, chaos occurs throughout the world, in the middle east there are many casualties, they are not even political elites, not adults, they are small children who do not have a thirst.
It is a club and we are not in it, we are just pawn for the elites and in fact when things get sour the poor suffers, the common people but the Elite just gets away with all the troubles. @klye
Just minutes earlier I was reading on the cigarette pack that the first cause of premature death in Canada was cigarette. I'm not for banning any substance but how can people think the governments are there to protect them. This goes against the most basic of logic. Any 5 years old kid that hasn't brainwashed could probably come to this conclusion on his own.
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