No matter where you find yourself, you've probably heard a thing or two about being perfect. It may have been a harmless remark by a parent to get 'a ten out of ten' in a class exercise. It might've even been a celebrity considering plastic surgery. This gives rise to a question that deserves some discussion:
What is perfection?
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines perfect as "having all the required or desirable elements as good as it can be possible.”
In this age of technological advancement, it is easy to be sucked into the cesspool of the world's expectations of us. We live our lives in the full glare of an unforgiving society. To be considered normal, we need to meet a certain criteria laid down for us by people who prey on the emotions of others using skewed logic.
The society believes perfection to be something superficial. It may be having lighter skin, a slim body, a very high education among others. Do not be deceived. Society will continue to be unforgiving and harsh. It has always been so and it will continue to be so. By allowing yourself to be intimidated by such ideologies, you deny yourself the chance to soar as high as you can be and achieve success.
Are you disrespected because you don't fit the stereotypical 'perfect individual'? Do not worry. The world is full of people willing to accept you just as you are. Do not lose hope; there is nothing like perfection in life. Look beyond your flaws and imperfections. Beyond that lie the perfection you seek.
That's my mantra. There will always be hate and love riding side by side but I the end, we learn to live with both of them. Perfection is overrated.
Its sad when one's self esteem is shattered by some words been uttered into his/her life. Society is one of the avenue which kills hopes why? Because of the fact that one may move higher than the other , jealousy, hatred and so on.
Right from the scratch,I mean from creation, the Lord God made us to be perfect in all our ways even to be like him...
Thanks for us a message ...
All around us, everything we hear is perfection. In fact our very existence is bordered on perfectionist ideas. Not that seeking perfection is a bad thing, but in an imperfect world, it becomes near impossible. It's sad however that in the effort to become perfect, people have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.
Thank you for this post. It's a timely reminder that no one can be perfect. Be yourself and love yourself for who you are.
Thumbs up.
Our perfection cannot be 100% accuracy due to our human nature. @komaat.
One ideal reason for an individual is to be of perfection in his or her own eyes and i agree with you.
I really like your style @komaat