Homosexuality vs. Pedophilia in Africa

in #writing7 years ago

Homosexuality in Africa is considered by most to be a taboo of the highest order, for many there is logic or rationality behind it and for that sole reason same sex lovers are subject to various unpleasant treatments at the hand of "normal" people with the "right" sexual orientation.

On the other hand, pedophilia is treated as less of a concern by many of the same "non-homosexual" enthusiasts, the average Nigerian met on the street will propose the lynching of a homosexual caught in the act- consensual sex- while he/she will be more complacent about pedophilia.

In fact, not many people are aware of what pedophilia is and how wrong it is. Child marriage and rape is quite rampant in Nigeria and so many people have come to regard it as a "thing", an everyday tragic occurrence and no more; not the dastardly savage act that it is.

Over the past week, I made some inquiries amongst students I chanced upon in my daily activities and quite unsurprisingly, many of them consider homosexuality a bigger offence than pedophilia, irregardless of the fact that the sex be consensual between the lovers.

And more often than not, their only reason for their irrationality lay in the fact that homosexuality is "unnatural", begging the question, "is pedophilia natural?? "

I mean what is it that pushes a grown man or woman to force intercourse with a child??

Conclusively, there might be a poor standard of education in Africa but that does not excuse the tolerance of this insanity and as I've spent countless hours asking, "what can be done about this?? ".Screenshot_20170712-192138~2.png