Sometimes I get comments that are whiny. Some might don't like my grammar, others my attitude or my lack of arguments. I hate to brake it to you but really, from the bottom of my heart, I don't give a shit about how anyone thinks. I don't value constructive criticism nor I am interested in improving the levels of satisfaction I offer to my post viewers. I am a stubborn person that uses Steemit as a diary rather than as a venue to make the world a better place.
I have this blog since mid 2016 and by now I would expect people to be able to get the gist of my views. For example, I consider most people idiots and that Bitcoin was a good idea that is bound to take the route of diamons or rubies - expensive but pretty much useless and rather utilized as novelty from close groups that will involve people with the mentality of Roger Ver or Tone Vays.
I don't need to repeat that with every post I make nor do I owe to anyone to post a hypelink about it. The world moves much faster than it ever did. What is hot news today is a relic tomorrow. We change our friends and ideas faster than we change underwear. If you choose to follow a mediocre writer like myself with an exaggerated ego then you are the one to blame. I write my ideas and form strategies for my own life whether that has to do with investing, evaluating ideas or projecting in order to make better decisions. I don't have any of you in mind during this process because most of you wouldn't be able to handle my lifestyle or follow through the history that made me who I am.
If you can piece some information together and use it for your own life then great. Read every single post I wrote so far and you will start understanding why I say the things I say. Then and only then you will understand how everything comes together. If you just started following me 2-3 months ago then you are as fucked as starting a movie half-way. You won't have the entire picture and you will spend your time in the comments whining like a little bitch for more explanations/elaboration.
If you on the other hand think I am wrong then the only way you can prove it is through applications in real life. I follow my own advice and that gave me the results I planned for - from shitcoin predictions, human behavior and interpersonal relationships. You can disagree because everyone has an opinion much like the have an arse but that doesn't give the same value to your argument since practice beats theory. Now, you can follow through and just disbelieve that I have succeeded in my goals or you keep posting your own theories about how the world works and me not giving a shit about them. Either way, it works fine with me.
Do your due diligence. I thought the "I don't follow anybody" part of my profile would be indicative about how much I don't care nor I want to engage with anyone. If not, consider this post a reminder. And since you like memes here is one I made recently. Sometimes I make and share memes, sometimes I write content. Sometimes I write extensive posts sometimes I just feel like throwing a meme and a few lines. Rest assure though that both the memes and content are original creations and not copy-pasted from somewhere else like most posts in Steemit. I am not interested in recycling content from the internet.

That couldn’t be more true. I may have only been following you for a few months, but get your method of posting. Keep doing you, I know you will 🤝
Yeah, I don't even give a shit what you write. I just upvote you every now and then because your average ass content generates some money. :)

An honest writer will say he or she writes for himself first.
BTW, I like the irony of your post and your signature. That's neat.
Well, without a doubt you have a very original way of saying things, but I congratulate you for being authentic. What you have lived is experience, and your experience is always useful to others. Thanks for sharing. regards
Fair enough.
how the fuck does this happen? and no im not a dumb fuck enough to think the dude that wrote this blog post will answer. but maybe somebody else might see my question and answer.
"1 hour ago by kyriacos (71)$21.66
68 votes
Reply 7 views 38"
38 views & 68 upvotes.what the actual fuck? my view count and upvotes never jive with each other eather. its sttemit broken,
Most votes on Steemit are automatic. There are around two or three people on Steemit who read anything. The posts are nothing but a facade, really. The main point is to use Steemit as a magic money maker.
All of the posts here could be blank and nothing would change.
They do?
I don’t. Not once. Never ever never.
What am I even replying to?
What is this "reading postings" of which you speak?
It’s French for ”blind upvoting”. Don’t worry about it. It’s slang; western French dialect. I wouldn’t blame you for not knowing.
Yes you would.
Yes I would.
Maybe because he is one of the most unique critical thinkers at steemit? Kissing no ones ass expressing his opinion without a second thought and gets to the point without polishing out his wording?
Also well educated and sincere?
That is enough for most of the people to support him without the need to read his post. Also compare this post with some of the trash that is now on trending (including mine)
Views is a bad metric, want more, hit f5.
This guy has been here for awhile and has built a following by saying things that often resonate with his readers.
la mierda no pasarán 💩
I do like to laugh and your post startled me with your honesty.
There are people here on steemit that I try and keep up with because I do care but I have a life outside of steemit and I have my own shitty content to create, I don't have the time to curate that much and I suck at curation as well....But if you visit my blog and you put some effort into connecting with me I will share my rewards and also upvote your comments and you will get a decent return because I use bidbots for higher curation rewards for my followers.
I love your post and the fact you are honest enough to say you don't give a made me laugh today because I almost feel the same way about whinny comments from someone who has only worked here on steemit for a few weeks or a few months!
Hi, I just followed you :-)
Follow back and we can help each other succeed!!@romyjaykar
From “Feeling lucky?” to this post, I read every single article. I thought, you’re someone I know, even though I was wrong, I’ve learned a lot from you. Thanks! Might as well say, you had a reason for unfollowing people, and that was clearly not because you don’t care at all. There are few, you also read. It could have changed since then, but I am sure It didn’t. As for copy - paste statement, there is nothing new under the sun, just improved. Considering history, you’re as well copy pasting your articles, putting them into the old-new perceptions, ideas, words - that were already said. Ego is great thou, until it’s not :D