If a small wealthy world
Joys infirm people without need
Lately it
I myself faced broken
You can make and we hope
The negotiations will be fun
Always follow their
Staying Human 0
0 lead Shwe Mann
Everybody loves money again
These things happen,
The people's mind and they will fulfill expectations
In fact, whether we make money is fun
photo-google image
တကယ္ကိုမရွိရင္ မျဖစ္ပါဘူး သူရွိမွ အရာရာျပည္႔စံုမယ္
အရာရာတိုင္းအတြက္ အေရးၾကီးပါတယ္
အရာရာတိုင္းအတြက္ အေရးၾကီးပါတယ္