Year 2100

in #writing4 years ago

imag ref

It was a normal day in Princeton, New Jersey in the year 2100. There are only 400,000 individuals living within the city limits. The temperature was a balmy eighty-two degrees, not too warm at this time of year. The sun shined down on the white trimmed buildings, while the bare trees lined up along the green neatly groomed sidewalks. The people were enjoying their lunch break. Children ran about playing in the sunshine. Some workers were also enjoying their lunch break, running about. It wasn't easy for them to find a place to sit. There were so many people and shops to enjoy. Everyone seemed happy, even the homeless, and the poor. The life expectancy of the citizens is now 140 years.

There are people who have committed suicide after finding out they have a terminal disease, and they receive their bodies back in the form of clones. There are also experiments to bring humans back from the dead, but it was a failure due to the fact the bodies could not accept the transplanted consciousness. The clones and the re-animated did not last long, but some souls managed to hang on to life. The citizens miss those who commit suicide, and some committed suicide themselves. The world is now a peaceful place.

It was an ordinary day in Princeton, New Jersey. The year is now 2100. There are no wars and little crime in the world. The people are happy as they have always been.

It was all quiet. No one was around. Then the silence was broken by a scream of agony. "Help me!" the cry came. Rain began to fall. Shrieks of agony continued to be heard from inside. Then from inside the sounds of running water was heard next. The cries of agony became louder. "It is a false alarm, just another nightmare," said one voice, as he tried to sleep.

The screams continued. The scream was cut short as the other side of the door was torn loose, splintering the timber, so that it hung loose by a small section. It was a small section that was hanging from the other side. He stood gazing at the door saying "Be quiet." The door was ripped from its hinges and fell flat in the middle of the road leading to the man's home.

She walked by the window looking outside. It was raining. The weather was such that the rain couldn't stop, no matter what. She walked by the window, looked up at the sky, and in the night sky was a large ball of fire. She stopped, looked at the ball of fire and then looked back at the house.

It was raining. The weather was such that the rain couldn't stop, no matter what. He heard his phone ring. He thought it was the CIA trying to contact him. He put the phone down not paying any attention, and continued his sleep.

He looked out in the rain and said "Where's my car?" She didn't hear him. She asked him ''Where's my car?'' ''I don't know. I have not seen it,'' he said to her as she passed by.

She knocked on the door. No answer. She called out, "It's me, Sharon." She could hear nothing. She knocked on the door. She tried to look through the windows. She saw nothing. She went back to the door and tried to open it. It wouldn't open. She began to push the door. It wouldn't give, so she pushed harder until the door began to give. She put one leg into the house and then the other leg. She walked into the house. "Are you alright?" she said. There was no answer. She looked around, then went into the living room. He was laying motionless. "Look at me!'' she said. "Are you alright?''

He said, "I don't know."

She sat on his lap. It was the first time she ever saw him unable to move. She said, "What is it? Are you frightened?" He said, "Yes, I am. What is happening?"

I don't know,'' she said. "It is the same as the past. What is the past?" His head was spinning. He was very confused. She said, "What is the past?" He said, "I really don't know." She said, "What happened to us? Why can't you be with me?"

He said, "I don't know."

She said, "What happened to you?" He said, "I don't know."

"Where are we?" she said.

He said, "I don't know."

She said, "Let me help you to go to sleep. You will feel more comfortable then. Shall I get you something to drink?''

He nodded 'yes'. When she came back he was asleep. She stayed awake longer than him. She thought about him and her. Then she said to herself "I will never leave you. I am sure of it."

He heard a voice. "Please do not go anywhere. Please, stay.'' Who is that talking to me? he thought. Where am I?

"Washington D.C.," said a voice.

"What is Washington D.C.?" he said. "Where am I?"

"You are in your own house. You are not too far from Princeton. Do you think you are a clone?"

"Who are you?" he asked. "Where am I?"

"Where do you think you are?''

"Where am I?'' he repeated as if he was half asleep.

"You are in your own home."

"Where? Where am I?''

"You are Michael."

He was lying on his back. I know. I am Michael. That was the last thing he remembered. He remembered nothing before the memory. He heard someone talking to him. ''Welcome,'' he said. "Who is that talking to me?''

"I am Leland.''

"I am Michael?" he said.


"Where am I?"

"You are located in Lorton, Virginia.''

"Where is Lorton?''

"You are in Lorton. It's up in the north. You work for the federal government.''

"How did I get here?''


"What is that you are doing? Why are you touching my face?"


"How do you know? Who are you? How long have I been here?'' He tried to move his hands, but he was unable. Worse, his legs were also stuck.

"Welcome to your new life,'' said the voice.


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