It's raining cats and dogs!
Although London is notorious for bad weather and gloomy skies, Paris seems to be trying to steal its world title. It’s been gloomy and raining for a couple of months; it’s happy days if you manage to catch a glimpse of the sun!
Even though it’s been annoying having to roam the city under my ubrella ella ella, I haven’t let it stop me from having a good time.
So, what does Paris have to offer on a rainy day? Plenty!
Here are a couple of things I managed to do.
I had one of the best pizza's at this beautifully decorated Italian restaurant. I was so hungry that I forgot to take a picture! (The best pizzas have the longest waiting time)
I then had some delicious coffee at a typical Parisian café. I mean why not? How can you go wrong with coffee? You can't.
To finish the rainy day off, we decided to hit up one of the many museums in Paris – Le Centre Pompidou. It's filled with amazing contemporary art. So, if you're a lover of art, I recommend you go check it out. If the giant golden thumb outside doesn't lure you in, then I don't know what will.