I have a special writing space with a micro computer where I only write (the longer fictions). I may use the browser to look something up, but that is all I do there. The "slowness" of the computer and the small screen help there.
Also it is in one corner of the bed room. Placing is important. No access to emails (well, I could using the browser and weblogin - but going to the main computer is faster then logging in), no interesting steem articles or news pages.
But the first thing, the most valuable tip I can give you, the ultimate weapon in fighting writers block is:
Sit down and write.
Tell yourself you don't have to write full all of that scary white page. You are just going to write 100 words. 5 minutes of moving fingers. You can afford 5 minutes, right?
And if the result is bullshit, just delete it. It's just 100 words, so nothing lost.
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I haven't had real trouble with getting the writer's block, I think it is because I don't write books or any really huge articles/ blogs.
It is a whole world different to sit down for the first words of a month long project :D