Well here we are, I, Leonardo da Slade asked scientists “what about dying on this planet, from an asteroid collision” and they said “Na aa, this isn’t going to happen”. I said, “Dinosaurs also believed this”, and the scientists said, “they didn't have the technology that's why they didn’t survive”. This put me into a great thinking until they revealed what they had inside their brilliant minds, they said they can build a stellar engine that could move our solar system, this could avoid the asteroid collision because they do not have approach vectors to the target lol.
Scientists are trying to investigate about this random theory and its possibility. They have sought to move our solar system with the help of the giant device that will move Sun’s position even with sun's own radiation.
The "stellar engine" could be used to shift our entire solar system trillions of miles if it is threatened by a deadly asteroid shower, space explosion or supernova. Scientists have suggested that the stellar engines (that's what they call the giant devices) can be used to drive Earth away if they see a continual approaching threat towards us all that may cause extinction of all life on Earth.
“Our solar neighborhood is constantly changing, with stars moving hundreds of kilometers every second.”
Scientists have taken into account two models of stellar engines, the first one is Shkadov thruster and the second one devised by Dr. Matthew is called Caplan thruster. The Shkadov thruster is the simplest example of a stellar engine. It moves the sun with the helps of photons released in Sun’s radiation that are useful to produce momentum to move our Sun, but the problem that we are facing with Shkadov thruster is that it limits our direction of moving in the milky way and it also doesn’t provide much momentum and to overcome this we have developed the technologically advanced Caplan thruster.
The physicist of Illinois State University Dr. Matthew Caplan has given us the new stellar engine concept, named after Dr. Caplan. The idea of Dr. Matthew is explained in the video by a YouTube channel Kurzgesagt.
“Only the vast distances between objects protect us from the dangers out there. But we might get unlucky in the future. At some point we could encounter a star going supernova. Or a massive object passing by and showering Earth with asteroids", the Munich team explained.
We could certainly not survive an asteroid collision, neither could dinosaurs. But there is another way to shield us from this impact that we might shift entire Solar system to another place to a green zone where we can be protected from the incoming threat using a stellar engine.
The idea is to move our whole solar system but what we can do is that the stellar engine will shift our Sun from a point to another point and due to Law of gravitation, other substances and planets will also move along the Sun to the new location. So at the time of such a threat, our first priority for our protection of such a threat like this is to move our Sun.
According to Dr. Matthew’s idea the stellar engine will draw a huge amount of Sun's radiation to power its rocket-like thruster.
The Caplan stellar engine has two thrusters. Once the matter from Sun will enter the stellar engine, the engine will quickly fire it out backwards through the nuclear fusion process to produce momentum for the Sun and the stellar engine. This will provide the enough thrust required to move our Solar system to a safe location in the milky way. The second thruster that is placed in front of stellar engine will keep emitting the particles back to sun in order to provide momentum to the sun and keeping itself distant from colliding into the Sun and risking our existence.
The present stellar engine gives us large momentum, enough to haul our solar system trillions of miles away but it also requires a dyson sphere in order to draw energy from Sun and that is an exertion to be overcome, the idea of Dyson sphere came into Freeman Dyson's brain and its purpose is to draw energy from stars and use it but it is quiet impossible to build a dyson sphere though it is very advantageous. The idea of active stellar engine will need lot of fuel, to overcome this it will draw fuel from Sun via its huge magnetic fields.
Below is what is expected:
It produces a scorching 1billion C jet of particles capable of moving the Sun 50 light-years (around 300 trillion miles) within 1million years.
"This would be more than enough to dodge a supernova," Kurzgesagt said.
We can’t really state that we can build a stellar engine because it requires very tough material to bear the temperatures and other meteor showers in the solar system.
"Using the Caplan Thruster, we could turn the entire Solar System into our space ship"
In fact, the materials to resist such high temperature and all the forces don’t even exist at this time but maybe in future or after thousands of years our descendants may build one of these stellar engines to protect our solar system from a perilous asteroid collision.
If such a stellar engine is ever built then Humanity maybe become the most advanced civilization to explore into the cosmos, if there isn't any specie this much beyond except us or any extraterritorial that hasn't reached this knowledge yet.It can also treathen us if we aren't successful, because to move a giant star, requires a giant thruster, and if it draws into the Sun then it may cause an explosion.
Watch the video for more understanding:
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