
its funny i used to write it with such ease, if you have the creativity, inclination, and know the a few basic rules, its quite simple to make a passable poem out of anything. im going to post a found poem later that took me an hour to mesh together. the trick is to edit it down to the basics without over want to see the tailbone and the gristle, with just the right amount of flesh..

Anyone can make two words rhyme but not anyone can make it mean something

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ive a little secret. i dont try to rhyme ;)

theres absolutely no rule in poetry that says it must, its just a style or genre, like punk versus metal. have you ever tried to rhyme in old english? don't try, its like trying to make music with a pick axe..

poems back then didn't use rhyme. Instead, they used alliterative verse and stress-timing. now thats way more than you ever wanted to know ;)