What am I? who rules me? Where to put my blame?

in #writing7 years ago

I had a great day today and for that, I decided to go easy on steemit :D. I will tell you a story, in poetry and in life, not happy but rather full of thought once more.

I once saw a dreamer, who turned out to be a thief,
He stole the most precious... most precious possession of mine.
It was almost like a story torn out of my dreams,
He gave me all... all that I wanted and so much more.
I took, I grabbed, I sucked it all up, I grew fat in my pride and ego alike.

First days turned into weeks and weeks into months,
Second, what I could take didn't match what I already had.
More, more, more... that is what I always longed and screamed bout,
My sausage fingers clutched onto so much but there was never enough.

And now I feel the more I took the more I cried,
The more I clutched the more he slipped away,
Oh, what a sulking year it was when I could not get what I had had!
You can buy almost it all, there is price for anything,
But even when you buy a person, his soul might not be there.

I blamed him, for blinding me, for fattening up the turkey for the grand meal,
But where was I, why did I give in so easy?
Why did I sell my soul and my body for a couple pieces of gold?
For an endless hunger that now can't be sated?

I look at those people, dreaming for more, and I know,
When you get it, the little finger ain't enough, you have to take it all, grab and devour,
Even if that hand is feeding you in vain, you got to take it and wail when it's gone
He did this on purpose but if I wasn't me...
I would have saved the most precious possession of mine.

I am curious. What do you think was the most precious possession of hers? I know the answer for me but what is yours?

It is funny, I wrote a poem a while ago but I lost the thing on my old laptop. All that I remembered was those two first lines of a dreamer being a thief and stealing her most important possession. I also know that the other poem took a completely different turn and it makes me think, have I grown as a person or become more cynical?

I still tend to write of love, however, it is different for me now, I write about it rather oddly, I spin it and think of it as much more rare than I did when I was a little younger. I saw love everywhere(we are talking about the love between two people), and I thought those teenage novels were beautiful(I guess that is why they are teenage novels and not adult). Now I like to think that love is more complicated than just a story or a poem, there are so many factors...

But I am getting off track. In my other poem her most precious possession was her heart, her love(I know, predictable) but in this one, for me, it is the childish wonder, the ability to enjoy things. As I wrote in the poem, she lost it as she took more and more, until nothing could impress her anymore. And now everything is gray and she just wants to be someone who can have joy.

Me and Niko had fun today, a lot of funny faces from the guy! :D

The pony-horse friend of mine made my day today. He was extra nice and in extra good mood as well as easily entertained. I just had to share even though the poem has nothing to do with this. Well, maybe it is good comical relief :D

I don't know how to say it and somehow I do, this creature that is not human, makes me appreciate that we were all born on this beautiful planet. There is so much love coming from it and it is truly sad that it is hard for most (me included) to feel thankful and loving towards the Earth.

We are all trying to do the best for us but not always the best for each other. We are trying to take without stopping and thinking if we really need it all. And I am just human, I also do those things. But it is good to stop at times and be reminded that it is not just about us, we are not alone. Sometimes an animal is enough to remind us of love and compassion and if there are no reminders, hearts get cynical and hard.

I just want you to know that I care. I may not open up the second you meet me, I may not trust a complete stranger but I try to be good. And not just so the society approves of me but so I can be proud of what I am, what I've done and how far I've come.


Have a love filled day, today, tomorrow and forever,


Love your horse. Are you a farmer or agriculturalist? You have a wonderful ability to put words to paper. Thanks for sharing.

I grew up in the countryside but otherwise, no, neither a farmer or agriculturist. I have same knowledge of how to grow things, though and I would love to go back to the countryside one day.

Thank you! :)

I think in some way, we all feel this way. Sometime we take more than we need. Thanks @lindahas for reminding us to be proud of our achievements.

Yeah, we like to grab and grab and still feel a little empty inside :(

You have such a wonderful way with words!

Thank you!

Do you like horses? I love to horse, your story is very interesting when I read, thank you for sharing the story. Have a nice day

Thank you for reading! :)

Wow that's perfect post. I am going to follow you for future best posts to receive from you. You can follow me back. I also do best posts and comments with upvotes.

Can you please review my posts? I have posted recently. Please give me feedback there.

This poem says so much, I don't know where to start commenting on it.

I'm back after a long absence, and it's good to be back to upvote you.

Maybe start commenting about the beginning? :D