POSTCARDS FROM ASGARD: The Wall of Asgard- Part2

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Last time the gods had made a deal with a master builder to build a wall around Asgard even though the price was very high. The gods promised the sun the moon and the hand of the goddess Freya in marriage.
Read part 1 here:Part 1

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The gods stood around the next morning and watched the builder begin to dig, he was digging a massive trench to place the first stones for Odin’s wall. “Well, he certainly digs deep” Said Heimdall.

Quite fast as well, wouldn’t you say? Frey asked Loki.

“Well Yes he is certainly a top-notch ditch digger, but just think of all the stones he will have to drag from the mountains to build this wall. Not to mention stacking them one on top of the other so tight as to not let an ant through and so high a the tallest giant could not climb it. He might dig a fine ditch, but just how will he do all of that with no help?”, Said Loki

The gods looked at each other and nodded. All except Freya. She just stared grimly at Loki.

At sunset, as the moon began to rise the builder mounted his horse Svaldifari and set off to the mountains to gather stones to fill his trench. The gods watched as they set out into the distance carrying a large sled dragging the soft earth. “Well he should be back in a week or more, I am interested to see how many stones they return with. That is a strong looking horse.” Said Loki. Then the gods retired to the feasting hall, where they ate and drank, and laughed. Freya however, did none of those things.


In the darkness just before dawn, Heimdall woke the gods. He could see everything that happened in Asgard. He saw the builder returning. The gods gathered as the sun cast it’s first light. The builder strode in walking next to his horse, who behind him was dragging a large pile of massive stones. The sled was grinding ruts deep into the earth. As a sprinkling of snow began to fall the builder smiled and pointed to the sun. He waved at the gods cheerfully and gave them a wink.

The builder then unhitched his horse and set him to graze as he began hefting the massive granite stones into the trenches he had dug. “That is a mighty horse indeed,” Said Baldur, the most beautiful of all the gods.

The wisest of the gods Kvasir spoke-” That is clearly no ordinary horse. It is far stronger than we had first reckoned.”

Well, strong or not, I’m sure it will soon tire. There is simply no way the horse can haul that many stones every nigh And don’t forget, winter is coming. It is not possible to haul that much weight through deep snow. I tell you we have nothing to worry about!” Sad Loki. ‘ This is even better than I had planned!’

Freya looked at Loki with a cold glare, “I hate you” she said. Then turned and walked toward Asgard. She didn’t stay to see the builder finish stacking the stones in precise composition. Or to see him and Svardilfari head back toward the mountain with an empty sled at sunset.

So day after day it continued, they would return each morning with Twenty massive stones of granite and each night they would set of for more. The wind and snow would blow. No matter how thick the snow, nothing slowed their pace. Each block was immense and the wall grew taller and more imposing every day.

Soon Odin called a meeting of the gods. “The wall is growing to schedule, and we swore an oath on our weapons we would give Him the very sun and moon, and we promised him the hand of Freya if he finished on time.” He said.

Kvasir the wise said, There is no man that can do what he is doing, I suggest he is something else.”

“A giant?” Asked Odin
“That is likely,” said Kvasir
“I wish Thor were here… Balder began only to be interrupted by Odin “Thor is away to the east hammering trolls, and even if he were here our oaths are binding!” He Said.

Loki tried to reassure them,“Listen to us clucking like frightened hens.” He said. There is no Way he can finish the wall by the first day of summer. Even if he is the greatest giant in the world it is just not possible.”

The snow continued to fall and the wind blew, but nothing slowed the Master Builder and Svaldifari. The mighty gray stallion pulled his sled through drifts of snow and through frozen gorges, up and down steep hills and through mighty blizzards. Eventually, the days grew longer, and the temperature warmed creating thick sticky mud, the kind that might steal your boot. “Do you see?” said Loki, that horse will never be able to pull those massive stones through that mud, he is sure to lose his footing.”

But Svaldifari did, he trudged through the thickest deepest mud, leaving huge deep ruts gouged by his sled. He never missed a step. The builder was equally impressive, he was hauling stones up hundreds of feet and placing them perfectly in place. The mud dried, and the warmth and sun brought beautiful spring flowers to bloom. The birds were singing and the wall around Asgard was a becoming truly majestic. When it was finished, no one or nothing could threaten Asgard, the gods would be completely safe. And the stranger continued building rain or shine, always in good humor, as was his amazing horse.


Finally, the beginning of summer was but a day away, and the wall was all but complete. The gods sat on their thrones in Asgard, and the atmosphere was less than jovial. “We placed the moon in the sky to mark the days and the weeks of the year.” Said Bragi, god of poetry. “Now we will be lost.”

“And the sun… We have given away the sun.” Said Baldur.

“What of Freya?” Asked her brother Frey What will we do without my sister?”

“Well,” said Freya, “If a giant this builder be, then I will go with him to Jotunheim, and carefully consider who I hate more, Him, or you lot for giving me to him.”

“Now now, sweet Freya don’t be like that..” Loki began, only to be interrupted by Freya.

“I ask only one thing before I am sent off to the land of the frost giants...” She said

“Anything.” Said Odin, who had been quiet the entire time.

“All I want is to see the person responsible for this killed before I leave Asgard.” Said Freya.
“Well…” Said Loki, “such a tricky thing is blame. I seem to remember we all agreed on this course of action. How could we possibly point the finger at..”

“You.” Freya interrupted, “You are to blame for all of this, it was your idea, you convinced the rest of these idiots to go along, but I will see you dead before I go. I think it’s only fair since you traded the sun, and the moon not to mention me to the frost giants. A very reasonable request I would say.”

“Well we all…” began Loki, but looking around the room and seeing the faces of the gods all looking back at him, he fell silent.

“Loki son of Farbauti, this is a direct result of your bad counsel. The builder must not finish this wall and he must fail in a way that does not violate our oath.” Said, Odin,

“Well, I don’t know what you expect me to do about it.” Said Loki.

I EXPECT you to do nothing about it. But if he finishes his wall, know this Loki, your death will be very long, and extremely painful, and humiliating.” Said, Odin.

Loki looked at the faces of all the gods, he saw anger and resentment, and he did not see a single trace of forgiveness or mercy. This would truly be a bad death. But what could he do? Attacking the builder was out of the question. “Fear not, leave everything to me,” he said. and he walked out of the room.

Thank you for reading! We will wrap things up in part 3!

If you like science fiction, I offer you my Pulp Science-fiction serial Jett Williams in the Great Beyond for your consideration. You can check it out here--> Part 1 Part 2
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As always, your stories rock!

Anywho, much love! Keep on Steemin on! I am excited to keep supporting you @lordsnek though I feel like I should warn you that it might be less as of tomorrow, as fulltimegeek is withdrawing his delegations for now to all the stewards. I still will keep my delegation to you in place, maybe it will be a little less, and I still want to send @treeplanter to your posts. However, my upvote will once again be tiny :P

Real support comes from the heart, and yours is the best. It wouldn't matter if you dropped 1 cent upvotes, Your encouragement and support are the most valuable things. The Steem will ebb and flow, but we will always have each others back and keep moving forward. I think that's golden.

Well shucks, that just warms my heart <3 I am glad that my support is supportive! And yes, that is what it is all about, supporting each other and making friends! I know that is what matters, but I want so bad to help people succeed!

You do and you will. I have no doubt you will just keep growing . If anyone deserves whalehood it's you! ☺

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treeplantermessage_ok.png Thanks to @skycae Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it! @martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

I really haven't been on lately. I hit the upvote, and then I realized this was posted 11 days ago. But I'm going over to Part 3 right now.