Beautiful! Simply poetic. I really like your formatting and the depth you go into to explain the nature of your poetry. Were the events that happened in the past and the person one was even real? That is an excellent question to ask. The past tends to seem unreal for many reasons. Sometimes we fail to accept that which we did or that which happened to us, or ae try to forget the person we were. In both cases I’d say accepting the past and learning from the experiences is the way to grow and not dwell on the dead past. The line ’timid child of mountain dreams’ really appealed to me. I also wish to comment on the main object in this poem, the deflated balloon. Balloons are very significant and often appear, well they used to more in the past, in my poetry. I even got a balloon tattooed onto my hand, and your usage of that metaphor didn’t fail to impress me in the slightest! Keep up the great work on here! You are one of the poets on here that is making this community what it is and witjout you it wouldn’t be the same!
Wow @lukakorba I'm really grateful for your insight and kind words. I'm also really happy the piece resonated with you. What you mentioned about processing the past and moving forward is spot on. I had no idea that the image of a balloon was so significant to you! Could you share a couple links of pieces where they appeared in your poetry? Thanks once again for your words of encouragement my friend :)
Thank you so much! I saw your comment earlier on today, but am only replying now as I went through my blog and found it difficult to locate those poems due to the amount of content on there, and thus I made a new post in which I explain what balloons mean to me in my poetry. I also showed some examples of poems in which I mention them. I hope that this post answers any questions you have and is enjoyable for you to read. Oh, and you're welcome my friend! Thank you for everything!