This is the second chapter of my story, The Devil Inside Us, inspired by Albert Camus's The Stranger. Warning: this story is kind of dark, and touches on difficult topics such as mental disorders. My last intent is to glamorize suicide or mental disorders. Do NOT read if you have been conflicted with suicidal thoughts in the past. With that being said, for those who decide to read it, let me know what you think!
“Who am I talking to today?” Dr. Foster asks me. I hate that she has to ask that question. It is the reason I am here.
“Harper,” I say, rubbing my clammy hands together.
“Is there anything you want to tell me today, Harper?” Dr. Foster asks. I begin to feel a lump in my throat; tears are welling up in my eyes. I take a deep breath and begin to talk.
“It was 2:00 pm when I heard the news. A knock on my apartment door, and my brain immediately fell into an endless pit of paranoia. I quickly got the shotgun out of the closet and looked through the peephole. I was relieved at first that it was just my mother, but then I noticed a particularly solemn expression in her eyes. I opened the door to greet her and asked her if everything was alright. She glanced at me and asked me how I was feeling today. I stood, confused.
"Fine," I said. She noticed the shotgun.
"Anxious?" She questioned. I could sense why she asked that.
"I’m Harper, mom.” I replied. “Not Mary. Can you answer my question now?” She sighed and I could hear my heart beating faster in my chest. I could sense that it was going to be something bad. But the ever so tantalizing question was: how bad? I braced myself.
"Your sister..." My mother started, as my heart dropped to my stomach. After what felt like ages my mother spoke again.
"She was killed in a car accident." My mother immediately began crying, but no amount of tears could match the sadness I felt at that moment. Words failed me. I stood in shock, my face blank, my mind in complete chaos. At that moment I knew that this had been Mary’s fault. My body became full of guilt and anger. It was Mary who never came to her wedding, Mary who never told my sister about her condition, and Mary who got into the argument that caused the accident.” When I finally finish the story I am bawling. The floor around me is littered with tissues. Dr. Foster looks at me with pity.
“Are you aware that this story is completely different than Mary’s account?” She asks. I then realize my mother must have had to tell me the news twice. I can’t even imagine how hard it was for her to say it just once. I am disgruntled, but I bottle up my anger and answer the question.
“No, I am not aware.” I reply truthfully. “But I know she exists. And I know she isn’t aware of our disorder.”
“She? Our?” Dr. Foster questions, “You talk about her like she is a different person.” I become defensive.
“She is!” I shout. “She isn’t me! She doesn’t have emotions like I do, she doesn’t understand sadness or happiness or anything that makes life worth living.” I finish out of breath. Dr. Foster replies in a calm voice.
“So do you remember anything about being Mary?” I think for a moment.
“I can recall flashes of events, like our argument. Most of all I remember feeling empty and lifeless inside.” I say. “But that’s it. I can’t control anything she says or does.” This thought haunts me. I continue explaining my situation to Dr. Foster, “Mary isn’t self aware. She does what she is told to and that’s it. She doesn’t question anything, she doesn’t even question why she is coming to you, and she only comes here because my mother told her to.” I look up to see Dr. Foster madly taking notes. She finally spoke after she was done writing.
“So why does your mother not want to tell her about her condition?”
“She tried,” I responded. “But Mary just forgets about it the next day.” Dr. Foster looks at the clock and disappointedly tells me we are out of time. I go home, take a shower, and collapse on my bed with a pool of tears beside me.
Click here to go to Chapter 1
Picture: Taylor, Taro. Dark Days Are Coming. 2008. Wikimedia Commons, Sydney, Australia.
You've got a good start here; you're already better than I was in high school, and you're dealing with an interesting topic. I was kind of wondering what Harper did with the shotgun after she saw that it was just her mother. Did she put it away? Stand and talk to her mother with it in her hands? And her mother says "Anxious?" This seems like a bit of an under-reaction. Would a mother allow her mentally ill daughter to own a gun? Anyway, something to think about. Your style is quite engaging. Keep at it!
Just to clarify-she asked if she was anxious not because she saw her holding the gun, but because she wanted to know which personality she was. Good point, I completely forgot she was still holding the shotgun lol, thanks for pointing that out.
@lval115 - it is an interesting story about a girl with MPD right? However you might want to flesh out the details a little more. There is so much here that is just crammed together. You have a lot of opportunities in the story to go into more details - also it is not realistic - you might have to read some case studies of how psychiatrists deal with MPD - you could do away with the psychiatrist altogether and just have Harper and Mary talking to a friend instead - or 2 different friends thaknow both Harper and Mary... that's my suggestion - but it's a good start! Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your suggestion! Surprised you were able to catch on so quickly, it is not a commonly known disorder.
well actually it is well known now @lval115 - because of MK Ultra Mind Control techniques through Operation Paper Clip (from the Nazi Scientists that were brought over to the US after WWII) - the CIA has been purposely creating all Hollywood stars to have MPD, as well as Kathy O'brien - - Brice Taylor, and all the many many victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse now coming to the surface ... You should look into it if you are interested in the subject matter. Katie Perry that star collapsed on stage during her show due to her MK Ultra alter's coinciding - Madonna, Brittainy Spears, Christina Agulera, Beyonce, Lady Gaga - ALL the stars who are successful have been created to have this disorder now... so that they can be controlled by their "owners" to do things that they would never do themselves - you should look into it - that's why you have to do more work these days than you might have had to do in the old days in story writing. The internet has brought information to everyone's disposal so everyone knows everything. You might start with sticking to your own personal experience just to develop a style you like - I would not have attempted what you did here - My story is non-fiction - it actually happened and so I was just recollecting it -
MPD is becoming more well-known since the recent movie "Split." I have heard of what you are talking about also, in2itiveart; at first I thought it was only fictional (like George du Maurier's 1895 novel Trilby) but since the survivors of this kind of programming have been coming forward, there has been a huge explosion in the use of the mind control symbols in advertising and music videos. Ival115, look at for details if you're interested in knowing more.
True. I had a friend who was a survivor. She died. It is big and real and controlling the world of the indoctrinated - watch any superbowl half time show. - there are tons of stuff online. Hampstead Coverup, Brice Taylor, Kathy O'brien, etc etc