Often times they are. I responded to this title, then gave it a cursory read.
The Internet allows us to build discussions. So if we consider the author as a speaker, allow him or her to edit text in addition to direct replies to comments, we can transform the written word even further.
hmm, interesting thought... you mean short paragraphs to and fro to make it a long meaningful conversation?
Yeah and clarity compounds "quality" time when the author and commenter come together to share in adding meaning to words that they both had input in manefesting.
So in the spirit of your post, that, had I thought of, would have wrote, here is my executive statement:
Note, I believe twitter's word limit does not allow deep enough thought.
And here is my thought process inspired by your latest comment:
Recall, that my stance is that the author maintains the lead role, since this trip of the mind was his idea, but inspiration, whether positive or negative, becomes undeniable at a certain point(s).
I read an article that agreed with Andreas M. Antonopoulos' rat analogy that crypto survives because people know how to build, or are inspired, to invent what they need. In a discussion about EOS, I brought up this very same point that- a regulated world seems to make innovation harder. Out of practice then, we lose sight of the type of brainstorm thinking that leads to creativity in economics/production.
A few appropriate words can have more contribution than several paragraphs that use the subject within each sentence. For instance, I did not think once how to extend this comment, just how better to transmit how much we need to value brevity that adds value. Modern society just seems to value social agreement (or even mere engagement) over brief thoughtful communication that is not inline with theirs (single-minded), even if it may bear fruit.