Niiicceee! =) ... I hadn't even given eating a single thought! lol... I don't believe it'll be too much of a problem ;P Since everything is frozen, all matter stays in exactly the same state, so nothing goes rotten ;)
But hey, I'm bordering on breaking the rules here - no consulting each other on the story! ;P ... I really can't wait to see what @lilyraabe comes up with.
I love the pics you chose by the way, especially the first one. It really looks like the woman is walking through a crowd of time-frozen people! =)
Yeah the frozen girl was awesome. Pixabay is a fantastic source of stock images. Yes no collusion lol.
Yep I use Pixabay almost exclusively =) The others usually return "Sorry, 0 results for your query" ..
Haha I even get that on pixabay. I must search weird stuff haha.