in #writing7 years ago

Accepting responsibilty is something that needs extra determination and willingness to.
It involves accepting to carry out duties and obligations painstakingly and, accepting both the positive or negative consequences of the action.
Every one wants to be associated with the glory and success,but hardly anyone wants the toils and sacrifices.

In my culture, a man,no matter how good and decent he is can never be called responsible until he is married.
While growing up,I thought of it as absurd, like must you marry?
As i grew older,I began to understand the reasons for this ideology.
One of this is that,any man can impregnate a woman or have a baby,but it takes a real man to accept the responsiblity fatherhood.
Having to be a father to your wife and kids,a mentor,a confidant.
Having to train, guide, counsel and cater for those individuals under your care requires your willingness and determination.

This is the reason those men who have children out of wedlock and deny their children,those who cannot afford to get a wife and be responsible for her all your life and those who cannot focus on thier families and marriages are called irresponsible.
The starting point is the family,if it is right there, every other thing falls into place.
Also,pregnancy is an evidence that a woman had unprotected sex. The morally accepted room for pregnacy is in marriage.It is therefore considered that any man who isn't shy to accept his position as the father of the unborn child, and who loves his woman enough to make her feel comfortable with an evidence of unprotected sex should marry.
Of a truth,they made a point when they refused to adress men who are of marriageable age and yet prefer flirting or emotional roaming as responsible.
If you must be successful,accept responsibility.
In the church,any priest or pastor is termed responsible for his members.He is responsible for counsel, prayers guidance and direction.
The main aim of christianity is to ensure that every christian lives a peaceful and fulfilled life in Christ and makes it to eternal life with God at the end of thier existence on earth. A church will fail of the leaders are more interested in themselves than their members and the people God sent them to.

In the labour market as well as the business sector, individuals have to accept responsibilty to achieve genuine success.
There are risks that must be taken.There are sacrifices that must be made.There are obstacles and challenges that must be overcome and willingness to accept responsibilty matters a lot.
To be a good leader,you must first of all be able to lead yourself and be responsibe for yourself before thinking of others.
Great Leadership is facilitated by dilligence in followership. A good follower makes a good leader.
Careful analysis of my leadership experiences have made me realise a lot of things.
I'll be sharing just 2 today
1 Accepting responsibility will push you to work harder than normal,because you won't want to be a failure as a leader.
I remember giving excuses so many times for not accepting the leadership positions I was selected and chosen for, with the excuse that service would distract me from my academics and other important areas.The moment I finally accepted, I became a new person, I strived hard to protect my name as a public figure by doubling my efforts and the result was amazing. It wasn't a distraction,it was more like a guide,reminder and initiator of concsiousness.
2 The best way to find yourself is in the service of others. When you serve others, accept the blame,and take responsibility of others, you earn thier confidence and trust.
If you must go far,you must keep calm and accept responsibilty.

Be responsible.

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Thanks for reading.
I hope you enjoyed it.


I really love your post formation, keep it up Fan.

Accepting responsibilities makes the world a better place for us all to live in.

Yes it does.

Oh!, i love this...taking up a responsibility is a bold step to maturity and its so necessary.
Thanks for sharing.

It is very necessary dear,thank you @setapart